Jul 03, 2005 23:23
who cares anymore right, and yOu of all peOple. yOu asked why i dOnt trust peOple well take a fuckin loOk arOund and yOu tell me. yOu ask me why i dOnt have faith in peOple er believe in myself Ooh yOu shOt all that dOwn for me, thanks. i hate yOu, i swear On everything i hate yOu. the One persOn i put all my fucking trust in, i put everything in, i was there fOr yOu abOut yOur mOm, and everything, i never Once wasnt there when yOu needed it. but damn when i need sOmething yOur to busy with yOur fucking cOusin. shit man. i dOnt knOw gOing tO fuckin "hang Out with thugs" that you dont know who are sO fucking far frOm thugs its nOt even funny, they fuckin Our prOfessiOnal dirt bike riders so um ya yOu cant judge them. fuckk Off. Oh and next time yOu need someOne tO talk tO at 3:30am dOnt fuckin call me. Cuz im nOt gOing tO want tO listen. yOur selfish, yOu think yOur hOtshit but umm ya yOu arent! yOur nOthing special darling nO One cares. except me i always cared! fuck i cared enOugh fOr the bOth Of us. and yOu Only did when it was fit fOr yOur schedule aka when yOur friends werent arOund. Like its a fuckin secret when we talk, cuz im such an embaressment well im sOrry i dOnt live up tO yOur standards. Oh bOy yOur mad cuz i gOt drunk with my friends whO happen to be guys, and happen to be sOme of my best friends whO i have known since i was five. yOu shOuld fucking trust me and even if yOu dOnt were nOt married hell we arent even gOing Out, thOse are just yOur "intentions" but damn i dOnt knOw hOw yOu'll pull that Off since im a big fucking secret. yOur self centered. the One persOn i thought i cOuld talk tO abOut absOlutly anything, but whO was i kidding, nOw i remember why i dOnt trust people, this is why i dOnt let peOple get clOse tO, i dOnt let myself get attached, but yOu were different, yOu were unique, yOu actually lOved me fOr whO i am, the One persOn i dOnt have to put On an act fOr i cOuld be myself and be dOrky and ditzy and mean and happy and crazy and psychO and i cOuld make stupid blOnde mistakes, and i could hit yOu and gO crazy On yOu and yell and scream at yOu and call yOu tO talk at 4:22am cuz i wanted toO and i cOuld hug yOu and nOt have to let gO cuz yOu lOved me, and i knew yOu did fOr Once i felt what it felt like tO really be lOved by sOmeOne.....its like...yOu suckered me intO thinking that sOme peOple really are i dOnt knOw different and really dO care, yOu Opened my eyes to the beautiful things in life, yOu helped me realize lOsing Justin wasnt my fault, and that i never really lOved him just the idea of it, and that i lOved yOu..since day One, i knew..yOu knew..everyOne did, but i hid it just like everything else yOu pryed Out Of me, yOu taught me tO say whats On my mind cuz if nOt it cOuld be One Of the biggest regets of yOur life and that its nOt what Others think that matters, and yOu always be yOurself even if yOur the biggest lOser...but what the fuck was i thinking dude. whOaa. am i really that stupid i fuckin guess sO. but hey its all been fun. but fuck have a good nO a great summer. and if yOu actually care yOu knOw the number. cuz im done, i just cut yOu Off...
fuck i hate bOys. they make me cry. they can all rOt in hell.