Feb 19, 2009 12:55
News: I lost my job. The company has been awesome. They flew one of the partners in to tell me personally, and we had a great multi-hour conversation over coffee about why and the implications. Basically, there just isn't cashflow - we lost a lot of our major contracts. It's a bad leadership signal to have expensive consultants running around when you're laying off your employees. I knew it was bad when we lost Yale, so I've been expecting this for awhile. They were very clear it was a matter of keeping the company doors open, and that we're all really sad about this situation. Basically, I'm off payroll and moved to contractor/colleague status, so they can bring me in on projects as needed if we get them.
Second News: I'm a bit exhausted today because I also spent last night in the ER with Toben 'til 4am. The poor guy has broken his ankle and torn a ligament playing hockey. X-rays looked just spectacular. He's in a lot of pain, and as soon as the swelling goes down, looks like surgery. So I get to try my hand at nursing for a week, since that's the minimum that he'll be pretty immobile - and the ankle won't be weight-bearing for at least two months. Poor guy - he's in pain.
Moodwise, I'm pretty mellow. One of my first thoughts was, "hey, all that Zen stuff really does work!" It is what is - it's been pretty easy to accept the situation, to let myself grieve it, and even to be excited about the possibilties ahead. I'm going to take some time to figure out what I want to do with myself. I have few expenses (no debt, no loans, car paid off, low rent, etc.) and I've got a really supportive family and friend network. Two people have already sent me notices of potential jobs - not sure I want them, but it definitely can't hurt to look and it's been REALLY heartening how many people seem to just have faith I'll be okay. There are moments I'm not, but bizarrely, because I know in my bones I WILL be okay, I really am okay. SO that's what's up!