When You're the Best of Friends, Chapter 2/?

Mar 25, 2011 16:45

 Title: When You're the Best of Friends (Part 2/?)
(Chapter Title: The Prostate)
Author: xlessxthanx3x
Rating: PG-13 this chapter, to be safe
Character(s)/Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel, Noah Puckerman, mentions of Quinn Fabray and Finn Hudson; Current pairings: Pucktana, Fuinn, Quick, one-sided Kinn
Genre: Friendship, Flangst, Hurt/Comfort
Warning(s): AU
Spoilers: Up to "Preggers"
Disclaimer: I do not have any affiliation with Glee and/or FOX
Author Notes: X-posted onto my fanfiction.net account. Right now it's ahead on there so I need to get this and the next chapter posted here.
Summary: AU. Puck and Kurt hold hands, cuddle, know each other's biggest secrets, and make the other a priority...but they're not dating, they've just been best friends for years. Based on this prompt. Multi-chapter. Eventual Puckurt.
(Chapter Summary: Puck seeks comfort from his best friend after betraying Finn, a rewrite/deleted scene of the Pilot)
Word Count: 905

“Noah?” Kurt croaked into the phone a few seconds into his best friend’s special ringtone-“Talk Dirty to Me”-even though it was nearly two in the morning and he was planning on getting at his dad’s garage early the next day for his weekend job.

“Hey, um…Kurt,” Noah said nervously. “Can I…Can I…”

“What’s wrong, Noah?” Kurt asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, recognizing his friend’s hurt and confused tone of voice. Noah tried saying something else but trailed off. “Want to come over, No?” Kurt tried, reverting to one of his pet names for Noah.

Puck sighed in relief and said, “Be there in fifteen.”

Kurt put on his robe and trudged up the stairs to make hot coco, unlocking the door on the way to the kitchen. Fourteen minutes later Kurt sat at the table with two mugs of hot chocolate as Noah let himself in. After a quick hug to Kurt he joined his best friend at the table.

Kurt watched Noah drown the comfort beverage, taking a few sips every now and then from his own mug. When Noah’s drink was all gone he asked, “So what happened?”

Puck kept his eyes down and muttered, “I had sex with Quinn.”

The smaller teen blinked in surprise. “You had sex with Quinn? As in Fabray? Cheerios Fabray? Celibacy Queen Fabray? As in the girlfriend of Finn Hudson?” Kurt asked, his voice hitching on the boy’s name.

“Yeah,” Puck responded, sighing slightly in frustration. “I told Finn I liked her. And today he was helping his mom after her surgery or something so he was gone and Quinn was upset so I brought over some wine coolers to help. She had some and we talked and…now we’ve had sex.” Puck rested his head in one of his hands. “God, that was rape wasn’t it? She was drunk and I convinced her and it was rape.”

“Noah, look at me,” Kurt said after a few minutes of silence. After a small stretch of time Puck raised his head and locked eyes with Kurt. Kurt put his hand on Noah’s shoulder, “I know you. Yes you have some questionable morals at time but you would never actually rape someone. Especially not someone you liked. You said you had wine coolers?” Noah nodded. “How many times have you told me that you can’t actually get drunk on a few of those? Too many to count. And you have a reputation, and she still let you come over, go to her room, and bring alcohol. And you had none, right?” Noah nodded again. “So your judgments weren’t impaired enough for you to do that.”

Noah still looked unconvinced so Kurt added, “And Noah, I know you and love you. There’s no way you would rape someone.” Finally he gave a half smile and Kurt gave him a hug.

“So…Finn Hudson?” Noah asked, not able to forget Kurt’s voice crack when he said the quarterback’s name. Kurt could practically feel the smirk form on his best friend’s face.

Kurt turned bright red and pulled away. He stood up and took Noah’s mug away to rinse it out. “Yes, Quinn’s boyfriend and quarterback. He just joined Glee club. Is his mom okay?”

“Yeah, just had her prostate removed or something.” Kurt gave him a weird look but then just shook his head and started putting the mugs in the dishwasher. Noah started laughing as he walked to the opposite side of the kitchen counter. “You want to get in his football pants, don’t you?”

“I have no idea what you mean,” Kurt replied, but Puck could see the back of his neck blushing.

“This is awesome,” Puck laughed and practically skipped behind Kurt. “Such a great, dramatic choice for a crush, Kurtie,” he said, ruffling his hair.

“Shut up,” Kurt grumbled, swatting away Puck’s hand. Kurt gave a half-smile after a bit, “It would be great, though.”

“Well, buddy, you’ve got an in with me, Kurt,” Puck said, putting his arm around Kurt’s shoulders. “I’ll talk to him, convince him that he likes you, get him in touch with his inner gay, and then Quinn will go off with me. Then we’ll double date at Breadstix.”

“His inner gay?”

“You’re the one who tells me all about how sexuality is fluid and that Kingsley scale,” Noah said with a shrug.

“Kinsley scale, Noah,” Kurt corrected. “Kingsley is from Harry Potter; Kinsley was a sexuality therapist.”

“Whatever,” he replied with a roll of his eyes. “S’okay if I spend the night?”

“Well, I have work…so, want to help me and my dad at the garage tomorrow…well, later today?” Kurt asked.

“Long as Burt pays me my usual hourly rate,” Puck answered. “Bedtime?”

Kurt nodded and Puck helped his best friend turn off the lights and lock the doors. When they got to Kurt’s bedroom the two spooned together on Kurt’s bed as per usual, Puck nuzzling into his best friends neck.

“Hey Noah?” Kurt asked after a few minutes of silence.

“Mmm?” Noah responded, near sleep.

“Only guys have prostates; Finn was covering the fact that he was at a Glee club meeting.”

“Oh,” Puck said. “…what’s a prostate?”

“The male G-Spot; lots of guys can get orgasms from stimulation of that alone,” Kurt answered sleepily.

“Shit, dude, where is that? I gotta get up in that business,” Puck stated.

“Up in the ass.”


fanfiction, puckurt, story: wytbof, author: xlessxthanx3x

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