Ok. my update about recording and the week.

Sep 16, 2004 11:11


I catch a ride to the practice spot to chill with Walter and DD, jam on some material for the new project. Sounds hella good. Bounce to the Diner, eat some grub and go back to the studio to wait for the dudes so we can bounce. They show up, we Pack and Roll towards Bahstin. (Boston) Arrive at 5am since we didn't leave till midnite or so.


Since we got a call from Ken on Monday nite, that the session would be starting @ noon, we slept till about 11am. Got a phone call around 11:15 not to come till 3. So we head over there and set up drums and get moving. When all of a sudden, the digital workstation dies. it just continually crashed. So, without even one set of drum tracks done, we were closing up shop for the nite. It was really a bummer, I mean wouldn't you have all the bugs worked out before starting a big project? anyway, he promised us an early start on Wed. But @ 11pm we got a call that in the morning he was going to the MAC store to buy a new computer and ditching his PC. (Digidesign suggests using a MAC anyway for the Pro Tools TDM system, duhh). So, we went back to the hotel and farted a lot.


Woke up and waited for the call. It arrived at like 1pm, saying to hang a while, since the MAC wasn't already set up. SO, we sat around till 3:30 waiting for the call, finally we got it, and headed over there. Talk about stress. We were supposed to do 3 drum tracks a day, and get them perfect. but instead, we got shafted into doing 4 that day, and 5 the next. So, we get the 4 drum tracks done in about 4 hours. Head outta there around 9pm and pass out around 11, since we had a start time of 8am the next day.


Wake up and shuffle off to Ken's place. 8am + playing guitar = no go. So we get warm and awake, and get tracking. Before we know it, 5 drum tracks are done and we're signing off on saying yes or no. We break down the kit and mic's eat some food and get at guitar tracks. Somehow, by the grace of god we got through 3 songs that night, me and lil jay. we did 3 older songs that were pretty simple for us to do. Bounced outta there, got some dinner and sat around farting till 2am.


Wake up around 11 and head to ken's by noon. This is where it became a bit stressful, we had to finish up all the other 6 songs. and 2 of them we had never played before. other than working out timing and riffs. but not ever playing them end to end. This is definately and issue. so we opted for having the person who playes each riff better, doing them for both people so they sync up better. this was the key! So we blew through everything but this one stutter that big jay had with the drums, I just couldn't get the timing right and some comments were made and i broke my guitar into pieces. Ohh well, it was cheap anyhow. but i was pretty pissed about the comment. I've just been hearing it alot lately, and it doesn't sit well with me. maybe i'm insecure. anyhow, we got another guitar out and tuned and intonated and pressed on. Finished up the stuff and got outta there around 5pm. yep, 5 songs 1 broken guitar and out by 5, starting @ noon. So since we had the night off, we headed into boston. Wandered around, ate at quincy's market, wandered through the city, lookin @ stores and shit. Just having fun as a band. You know how that goes. Headed back to the hotel, and chilled.


Woke up around 11 for another day of 12pm start time. And headed over to Ken's. Today was solo's and bass stuff. So we get rollin on solos this was a pretty simple and different task. It's basicly laying the stuff over the other tracks that need to be centered and loud. and sound different sonicly than the regular tracks. We used a Marshall 800 (shudder) w/ a overdrive pedal in front of it. it actually sounds pretty damn good. Anywho, we blitzed through those and then switched to the Framus for clean tones. it sounded so silky smooth. Then came bass and that was also pretty simple to do and went pretty fast. We were outta there at about 8pm, and Pat our new singer was on his way up. So we went to the hotel and chilled. Jay and Matt smoked some beers while me and lil jay watched the tube. Pat showed up and we hung out and talked things over. And passed out for an 11am start time.


Woke up late and got showered hit up McDonalds but i didn't eat anything. Headed to Ken's to start vocals. Pat was strong in there. Banged out 7 tracks in under 4 hours with little direction. They came out real good considering the time taken to do them, and the short window of time for him to prepare. Thank you Jamie, Pat and the rest of BOS for comming up with such good words in short order. After that was all done we just listened to everything and started mixing the stuff. Big Jay went in and did a talking/singing song that's like a minute and a half long. and we just chilled. Then went to Vinny T's for dinner, it was damn good and we were stuffed. Then back @ the hotel i watched TV while they had some fun in the pool. The disturbing part is, lil jay walked back in totally naked. ughh. passed out.


Went over to kens and sat there while he did more mixing and editing. then little jay finally got the acoustic track done and we bounced headed for home. I didn't get back to Ewing till 10pm.
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