Dec 21, 2007 16:42
My grandmother does not have lung cancer. My mom flew to New Orleans and went with my grandmother to the doctor and found out that she has no cancer. Well, they aren't sure about the bone but they are going to check it out later.
Meanwhile, I finished one of the paintings/collages I am making for my grandparents. I think they are sweet. I will try to get a few pictures of them up here sometime (for anyone that cares).
Can't check my grades because I owe the school $100 dollars for a two hour independent study. Oops
maybe the holidays will be a bit brighter in the dark...?
Stardust is an excellent movie. I am roach killer extraordinaire! I need to find time to do everything but relax. I have a new neighbor whose bed is on the other side of a wall from my bed. we knock messages to each other. Played 7 bears in a bed last night. Had a man ask if I was 15. Got the "hook" from a passing car. And after hours of trying, realized I am horrible at Zelda.
edit: David and I celebrated our Christmas today. Wish I had better luck this time last year!