DRHLYWD25: i think i have something that can intertain you
WordOfCouth: where do you find this shit
DRHLYWD25: i made that "movie" but you can make your own
DRHLYWD25: random
WordOfCouth: dood
WordOfCouth: ur weird
DRHLYWD25: again... sorry
WordOfCouth: lol
DRHLYWD25: did you make one yet>?
WordOfCouth: ya
WordOfCouth: its so lame
WordOfCouth: lol
DRHLYWD25: well lemme see when your done
WordOfCouth: ahahahhaha
WordOfCouth: its so me
WordOfCouth: its a make fun of leash when shes menstral movie
DRHLYWD25: ha!
DRHLYWD25: DFILM heres another
DRHLYWD25: those are the only 2 i ever made and kept
WordOfCouth: whats ur email?
DRHLYWD25: @aol.com
WordOfCouth: mail
WordOfCouth: lol
WordOfCouth: ahahha
DRHLYWD25: what at you laughing at?
WordOfCouth: did u see my movie.
WordOfCouth: ?
WordOfCouth: right
WordOfCouth: lol
WordOfCouth: :-)
http://mm.dfilm.com/mm2s/mm_route.php?id=1852710 check my movie out. you'll crack up. ahahha