I should be sleeping - or alternately, finishing up a beta read-through I've promised to get done .. but that whole promising thing? Ain't working so well for me lately. It's like that old adage of life being what's happening when one is busy making other plans. So, yeah, I had other plans, and then life happened. Meh. It all started with me having
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1. What is your earliest memory?
2. If your life were a DVR, what is the one thing you would never get tired of rewatching?
3. Would you rather get drunk with George Takei, or high with Leonard Nimoy?
4. Would you rather rule the world as a benevolent dictator, or lead the underground rebellion to depose her?
5. A young William Shatner appears on your doorstep with a similarly-aged Captain Kirk (as played by William Shatner) in tow. You can have unlimited sexyfuntiems with ONE of them. Just one, no cheating. Which one do you pick?
1. What is your earliest memory?
My earliest memory actually isn't a good one, so sorry if .. I dunno, I go all downer in this thing right away. My earliest memory involves me and my brother (who is only just a year younger than I am) in my parents' car, my mom and my dad there, and my dad driving us the 2 hours back home from where we had just visited my mom's family (all of whom live in the same village, so my grandparents, my 3 aunts and 3 uncles, my cousins, my great-aunt and great-uncle ..). Me, precocious little .. my best guesstimate is that I was about 3 years old at the time .. have a question that's been burning under my nails basically all day long, so all innocence and guilelessness, I blurt out something to the effect of 'Aren't grandma and grandpa too old to still have a little son?' I was talking about the boy that we all knew as 'their child', the (at the time) 9 year old - and how could my grandparents have a 9 year old son when the rest of their 'children' were already married and having their own family?
The answer I got? My dad going ballistic on me, right there in the car. Yelling, screaming, cursing, telling me it was none of my business and that as long as I didn't know what I was asking it would behoove me to keep my mouth shut and that I couldn't understand anyway and to just shut. the fuck. up. And .. I did. Never asked that question again. Forgot the boy even existed basically, which was aided by the fact that we didn't go and visit my mom's side of the family much and that, when we did, the boy had vanished. Seriously. It was much like I had only just imagined him, 'cause he was nowhere to be seen when we went there. At 3 years of age, it was easy for me to forget when there was no more evidence of him - and it took until I was 16 that I rediscovered his existence.
2. If your life were a DVR, what is the one thing you would never get tired of rewatching?
Hmmm .. I probably should say something cheesy now like 'when I met my husband' or 'when I first held my children', right? *chuckles* But honestly, there are so many good points in my life that it's nearly impossible to choose just one thing. I've been truly blessed with a lot that is worth re-visiting, have had chances to go and travel, to go and have wonderful experiences, to go and meet amazing people, and all around, my life has been pretty darn good. Sure, all those ups came at the cost of some terrifying downs, but the bottom line is that life's been good to me :) Now, rolling all the traveling, the experiences, the people and the all-around fun into one big ball of awesome, I'd have to say that my honeymoon came closest to having a little bit of everything. My husband and I got to travel through the US for 8 whole weeks, and the memory of it alone tickles me adventure-bone so badly that I want to go and do it all over again :D So yeah .. that trip from Boston to San Francisco, with a meandering pace that took us up and down and across the US in a zig-zag trek was amazing and I loved every moment of it. And if I could have only one thing on rewatch, it would have to be that :D
Ooooh .. while I do enjoy getting just a li'l bit drunk every now and again (on those few and far between occasions when I actually can .. which is rarely ever ;), I would have to say that doing anything at all with Leonard Nimoy would definitely out-weigh the fact that I wouldn't even know how to go about 'getting high' in the first place *chuckles* But .. Leonard Nimoy! Come on! It's .. Leonard Nimoy! *goes fan-girl and squees* Poor guy though - he'd have to put up with me slobbering all over him like the delectable morsel that he is if ever this fantasy were to come true ;)
4. Would you rather rule the world as a benevolent dictator, or lead the underground rebellion to depose her?
Hmmmm .. benevolent dictator .. do such things even exist? I dunno .. I believe in the old adage of power corrupting and absolute power corrupting absolutely, so the mere thought of a dictator, however benevolent they might believe to start out, always gives me the shivers and the concern of just when or how they will fall to the clutches of said power corruption. Also, even if this dictator is benevolent, one day they will need a successor, and .. benevolence seems to dwindle away with the generations. So .. long story short, I would probably be much more comfortable in the underground rebellion, even leading that, but never with the goal in mind to replace her one day but the goal to return power to the people.
5. A young William Shatner appears on your doorstep with a similarly-aged Captain Kirk (as played by William Shatner) in tow. You can have unlimited sexyfuntiems with ONE of them. Just one, no cheating. Which one do you pick?
Ooooooohhhhhhhhh *drools over that mental picture for a moment and two before composing herself again* Uhm .. hm. My first instinct is to say I'd choose Captain Kirk 'cause I like his personality whereas William Shatner doesn't have the best rep when it comes to 'being a nice guy'. But .. and this is a big but - for Captain Kirk to have funsexytiems with me, he'd have to stop having funsexytiems with Spock and who could ever want that?! Not me, definitely not me. So .. uhm .. if it's all the same to all involved, I'll leave the sexin' up of the Captain to his dutiful First Officer and shall snog on William Shatner a little. Which .. ya know, I wouldn't be opposed to him bringing in Leonard Nimoy for a little threesome either ;) Just sayin'!
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