Title: Preparations
Rating: R/ NC-17
Summary: Training for a diplomatic mission has never been that much fun
Warnings: blatant sex
Word Count: 1010 according to
this word counter
Pairing: Kirk/Spock
A/N: Written for the NCC-17 prompt at st_respect as my entry for the ship wars where no entry was permitted to be longer than 1010 words at most.
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“... Jim,” Spock hurried to amend.
Noooooooooo, Spock, call him Captain again. o.o
And don't talk to me about embarrassing search entries, missy. I have a tab open with thoracic-and-lung surgical implements, and it's all your fault. XD
As for the roleplaying game .. that was my plan B which sadly got defeated by the fact that writing ficlets takes forever for my non-native-speaker brain ;)
So far I think the rib shears are my favorite.
As for the roleplaying game .. that was my plan B which sadly got defeated by the fact that writing ficlets takes forever for my non-native-speaker brain ;)
I think the clear solution is for you to write it now, when you can take the time to make it as long and involved as you like. Yes. This is what I think. -_-
Soo .. that is what you think, is it? I might just have to do that then ;) Though it'll take a while, seeing how I'm owing about 4 fics prior to tackling that *chuckles* But definitely .. roleplaying .. *shuffles that plot bunny to the front of the optional to-do list* You know, I just .. might!
Yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyessss! *encourages plot bunny, strokes its ears, feeds it carrots*
And yeah, I keep thinking about the Mirror!verse I played with. :lol: I think it's an instinctual reaction to working on The Ivy Crown--when I overload on sweet I can switch over to creepy and horrifying, and vice versa. Actually, I was wondering if I could maybe send you a little snippet? o.o I want most of it to be a surprise for yooooooooou, but I'm a little concerned about getting Bones's voice right when he's all creepy and evil.
And .. keeping it a surprise to me? You evil, evil most esteemed and beloved dungeon master of kink woman, you! Hell yeah, send on anything and as much you'd like :D I look forward to creepy!Bones.
And .. yay! Looking forward to the PM ;)
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