Apr 09, 2006 15:56
My middle name is: Francis
I was born on: July 24th
I was born in: LI
My fav. cereal: cheerios
My eye color is: brown
My shoe size is: 10
My ring size is: good question
My 1st period class is: History
My height is: 5' 10”
I am allergic to: nothing as far as I know
I live in: Woodbury
The last book I read: passage to dawn
My bed is: teal
One thing I know for sure about the opposite sex is: they are crazy
One thing I would do if i was the opposite sex: sleep around (LOL)
My last hug was: Maryclare
My last phone call: Maryclare
My last bloody nose: dont remember
My last 2 things i bought: food and tickets
My phone provider: T_moble
My favorite Holiday is: thanksgiving
The perfect kiss is: when its raining
The last three cd's I bought are: buy CD’s ha!
Last song that made me cry was: November rain
My most treasured possession(s) is/are: my weapons and my D&D books
What did you do last night: hung out with Maryclare
My skin's reaction to the sun is (tan/burn): tan
Easter bunny: no
Love at first sight?: I guess
Luck: yea
Faith?: I suppose
God?: idk
Aliens?: idk
Heaven?: I guess
Hell?: idk
Ghosts?: prob.
Horoscopes?: NO
Soulmates?: idk
:::::Which is Better?:::::
Hugs or Kisses?: both are nice
Drunk or High?: drunk
Phone or online: idk
Night or Day: idk
Oranges or Apples: both
Curly or Straight hair: straight
:::::Here's What I Think About:::::
Abortion?: idc, but in favor of life
Backstabber?: im sure ill get over it eventually unless they really do stab me w/ a knife then id be pissed
Parents?: take um or leave um
School?: sucks except for my friends there
::::Last time I::::( family doesn't count)
Kissed someone: yesterday
Last time i hugged someone: yesterday
Seen someone I haven't seen in a while: idk
Finally forgave your enemies: idk
Grew?: idk
Who's the ditziest person I know: idk
Who makes you laugh the most: idk
One thing I'm pissed about right now is: idk
The last movie I saw in the theater was: V for vendetta
The thing I don't understand is: this survey apparently
The most unsatisfactory answer I've ever recieved: idk
The one thing I love about the opposite sex is: they're fun to hang out with
This summer: will be hot?
Something I will really miss when I leave home: leave home?
The thing that I'm looking forward to the most: seeing Maryclare
Tomorrow: idk
Next Summer: idk
Next Week: spring break!!!!
People call me: my name
The person I have been good friends with the longest: Alex
The person/people who know the most about eggs: people who work in poultry factories?
The person that can read me the best is: idk can anyone read me?
The most difficult thing to do is: idk
I have gotten a speeding ticket: no
I have the following siblings: Matt
My zodiac sign is: Leo
The first person I was in love with was/is: Blair
The one person who can't hide things from me: no one
Right now I am talking to: maryclare
Is it weird to you that some numbers are missing? NUMBERS!?!?!?
I have/will get a job at/with: Krispy Kreme grrr
I have these pets: fish
I hope: idk
The worst sound in the world: idk
The person that makes me cry the most: Evan
Sharpies or Highlighters: sharpies !!!!!!
Chicken/Beef: tough choice
Florida or Hawaii: Hawaii, cuz Florida sux
My favorite piece of clothing is: leather jacket!!!
My favorite sport(s) to play is: Football
Last time I cried: idk prob recently
The school I go to is: SHS
Last person I got pissed at: idk
My worst drinking experience was: lets not get into that….
The all-time best movie is: idk prob BATMAN
The all-time best thing in the world is: maryclare
So, about them Canadians? BASTARDS
Do you like to spam? nah
The most annoying person you know is: idk
I lose all respect for people: what respect for ppl?
My favorite place: idk guess don’t have one
My room: has SWORDS ^_^
My favorite celebrity is: idc
My weakness is: maryclare
What turns me on: maryclare
Broke your heart last: blair
I filled out 200 questions: shit
What do you regret most: life and stuff I guess