Aug 01, 2005 00:56
[ i'm not a perfect girl. my hair
doesn't always stay in the same
place & i spill things a lot. i'm
pretty clumsy, and i have a lot
of bruises from a boy who broke
my heart. i love my friends, the
true few that i have. sometimes
i fight and maybe somedays
nothing goes right but when i
i think about it & take a step
back, i remember how amazing
life truly has the potential to
be & maybe, just maybe-- i like
being unperfect. ]
he`s my [bestFRiEND],, you know? the kind where at the end of the day i love to come home ( just to talk to him )`.. the kind where i long for the weekend just so i can see him. hes more than my bestfriend .. he`s my world.