Dec 30, 2010 21:07
We just had a tiny emergency.
As I'm walking into the kitchen to put my plate away, Vince, who just got back from Ohio, goes, "Roxy! What's that you got?"
I turn around and she's lying on a mat, licking the wrappers of some chocolate my mom just laid out on the living room table. Three wrappers. For those of you who don't know too much about dogs: lots of chocolate + dog = death. Or something really bad. There's some chemical in chocolate that wreaks havoc in the canine system. Roxy had eaten 3 Ferrero Rocher chocolates, which are like my favorite. Traitorous.
"Roxy!" I scold, discarding the wrappers in the garbage. "Are you tryingto kill yourself??"
After a short pause, Vince adds in mock-dismay, "Roxy, we thought you were so happy."
I'm laughing, but actually kind of worried that my poor bum of a dog is going to drop dead in the next 24 hours. Everyone's like what happened? and my dad walks in wearing his pajama pants and bathrobe.
"Ah, just bury her and get it over with," he says in his Filipino accent.
"Dad!" I say in my own. (Side-note: I don't actually have that accent, but when my sisters and I says "dad," we pronounce it "Dodd" or "Dahd")
My mom comes into the kitchen and I ask her if she thinks milk will get the chocolate out of Roxy's system, since we can't force her to drink water.
"Oh that's right, milk might neutralize the reaction," my mom thinks aloud.
"Wait, let's check online and see how much chocolate would be bad," Vince says.
"Yeah, I don't think she ate enough," AK goes.
"Dead Meat!" my dad calls out.
"Shut up, Dad!" I huff.
AK searched on the internet, and apparently, for a dog about Roxy's size (20 lbs, Vince guessed), she'd had to have eaten about 6 or 7 ounces of chocolate; the purer the chocolate the worse, and Ferrero Rochers are definitely made with milk chocolate. We gave Roxy a warm bowl of milk, which she lapped up until it was empty, and tied her to a chair, surrounding the area with newspaper. She's going to be peeing all night.
I have missed the mini-mayhem in the family.
p.s. Seriously, try some Ferrero Rocher chocolate. The balls covered in a layer of chocolate mixed with hazelnuts bits, and inside is a thin waver, and inside of that is smooth chocolate surrounding a hazelnut.
I have never had so much chocolate in my life as I have in the past 2 weeks.