Two Weeks [Standalone]

Aug 20, 2007 02:20

Title: Two Weeks [Standalone]
Pairing: Ryan/Keltie, Ryan/Brendon
Rating: Hard R
Summary: Ryan's marrying Keltie in two weeks.
Disclaimer: Fake.
Author's Note: I know there's a movie coming out on Sept. 18th called Two Weeks, but this has nothing to do with that (although I did see the trailer for it about seventeen times at work today, and it looks like a really good movie.)

Anyway, this is for
mrs_hopeless21 because her internet got knocked out after that stupid hurricane hit and I haven't talked to her for more than a few minutes's been a long time =(

Ryan's marrying Keltie in two weeks.

Two weeks, Brendon's brain keeps repeating, reminding him just how wrong this really is.

It's the only thing that his mind can even comprehend right now as he thrusts into Ryan, his cock sliding over the older boy's prostate with every fluid movement. Thankfully though, his thoughts are quickly losing all of their coherency as both of them are pushed closer to the edge. It's not long before Brendon can't hold off on his orgasm anymore, riding out the waves of pleasure coursing through his body as Ryan's writhing and moaning his name beneath him.

After they've both come, Brendon pulls out and flushes the condom to get rid of any evidence, only to return to an already-sleeping Ryan in the bed. He's lost count of how many times they've had to wash the sheets since they started fucking, but they're already getting worn out and Ryan just bought them a month ago. Personally, Brendon couldn't give a fuck whether the sheets were dirty or clean, or even on the bed at all, except this is RyanandKeltie's house, and Ryan kind of insists that they be clean just in case his fiancée decides to check in on them.

Brendon's just grateful that she isn't too concerned with the progress of their new house that's being remodeled, or else she'd see how much is not getting done, and then he and Ryan would both be screwed.


At the end of August, Ryan and Keltie had announced their engagement to the world. By Jon's birthday party, Brendon's so fucking sick of hearing about it and how in love they are that he's ready to punch someone in the face. So instead, he gets completely smashed by way of Pete's wonderfully overstocked mini-bar and hits on William until Travis steals him away, dropping Brendon off by the guest bedroom that he's sharing with Ryan and Keltie. They aren't the best sleeping arrangements, (as a matter of fact, they are the worst possible ones ever), but it's not like Brendon can protest them or anything because it's a very secret affair that he and Ryan have going on.

Even so, Ryan manages to slip out of bed with Keltie unnoticed, and he lets Brendon fuck him in the adjoining bathroom.

Sure, they both know it's a terrible idea since Ryan's soon-to-be wife is practically in the same room with them, separated only by paper-thin walls and an unlocked bathroom door, but they do it anyway. Brendon's so drunk that he can barely stay in an upright position long enough to get them both off. On the other hand, Ryan's being entirely too noisy with all of his delicious moaning and gasping when the younger boy hits that spot just right, but Keltie sleeps through it. Or at least they hope she does anyway.


Six days before the wedding, Ryan and Keltie make an appearance on SURS and they just look so happy together. It really makes Brendon kind of want to throw up, so he turns off the TV and lays on the couch in the dark until he falls asleep. He doesn't wake up again until Jon comes by to see him the next morning, damn near banging down the door before Brendon can process the thought of what the fuck is that goddamn noise? But Jon brought food and how could he even be mad at someone holding coffee and a huge bag of breakfast just for him? They eat in comfortable silence in the living room floor, neither of them bothering to say anything about the lack of light in the apartment.

"Did ya see the interview last night?" Jon asks, emptying the styrofoam coffee cup in his hand.

Brendon scoffs, but doesn't say anything. No, I couldn't stand the look of incredible happiness on their faces, he doesn't say. Anyway, he'll catch it later on Youtube or something, etching their smiles and adorable hand-holding in his head. But even after the twelve or so seconds he did see, he can't help but wonder if it's really Keltie that's making him smile like that, and he really hopes it isn't. She can't possibly be the reason though, or else Ryan wouldn't be fucking around with other people right up until the day of his wedding.


Sometime during the night, Brendon wakes up and can't stop thinking about it. He's not even sure that they are going to stop sleeping together after the wedding, and the thought kind of bothers him a lot more than it should because what they're doing, it doesn't mean anything. They're just fucking around. They are. Brendon doesn't love him. Except he really is head-over-heels in love with Ryan, and he's come very close to saying this out loud to the older boy, but has managed to bite his tongue instead.

Brendon's surprised as he's pulled from his own thoughts when he hears Ryan's voice, having absentmindedly dialed his number by mistake, and he feels rather stupid but tries to play it off.

It's not until Ryan gets there, lets Brendon get his fingers pressed deep inside, that he's actually able to forget about it, and if this is what accidental calls at three-thirty in the morning get him, he'll be making them a lot more often. But then he remembers that Ryan won't be able to just leave whenever he wants without his wife asking questions.


The bachelor party and the few days before the wedding go by entirely too quickly, but the twelve or so hours they have left before the ceremony seem to be dragging on forever. They're watching a movie on TV and Ryan's being really fidgety, but Brendon doesn't think it's because he's getting married tomorrow. At least not entirely, but he continues to pretend he's really into the plot line.

Brendon turns off the TV an hour later and they both get ready for bed, settling down under Brendon's comforter afterward. It's a little weird because they haven't done it in his bed, and Brendon kind of wishes they had at least once before they stopped having sex with each other.

Ryan kisses him on the cheek, but instead of telling him 'goodnight' and turning over to go to sleep, he crawls into Brendon's lap, pressing himself flush against the dark-haired boy below him. Brendon wants to tell him to quit it because, Jesus, he's getting married in the morning, but he's too selfish and desperately wants this. So when Ryan brings his mouth closer, Brendon pushes himself up and kisses Ryan first.

Brendon flips them over quickly, already going to work on getting their clothes off. He doesn't bother with a whole lot of stretching because for one thing, they've been doing this for awhile now, and another, he knows Ryan kind of likes it this way.

After the first couple of thrusts, he knows that neither of them are going to be able to last very long and they'll probably do it again before it's all said and done. It feels better the second time. It feels incredible, too good almost, in the way that they aren't going to get to do this again. Not unless Ryan calls of the wedding or something.

Brendon's holding on for dear life to the tiniest possibility that Ryan won't actually go through with everything tomorrow.

"Bren, I--" Ryan gasps, squeezing his eyes shut before he finishes what he started to say.

When he opens them again, the look in his eyes startles Brendon. There's something burning there, but it's more than lust this time, and it's then he realizes what Ryan was about to tell him, and maybe Brendon needs to hear Ryan say that he's in love with  him.

Ryan doesn't say it though, and it's disappointing to Brendon, but the open-mouth kisses Ryan presses to his lips and skin afterward kind of make up for it. They fall asleep pressed against each other, and they're still in the same position when they wake up in the morning.


Fifteen minutes before the ceremony starts, Ryan cannot stop fidgeting to save his life. Brendon even has to button up his shirt and fix his tie for him, all the while hoping that Ryan's so nervous because he's about to let down a lot of people after he professes his love to the Best Man in front of his supposed-to-be wife and all of her family. Wishful thinking, of course.

Brendon stands at Ryan's side through the vows, playing out the scenario in his head while his heart is hammering persistently against his ribcage.

It doesn't happen though, and Brendon can't even say he's surprised, but that doesn't lessen the pain in his chest. He had no idea that Ryan being married, belonging to someone else, could ever hurt this bad. It hadn't hit him until just now and he's pretty sure that his heart has just shattered into a million tiny pieces.

He says a quick 'congratulations' to both Ryan and Keltie, then disappears so he doesn't have to suffer through the reception.


Eight months later, when Keltie files for divorce, Brendon isn't there to pick up the pieces.

ryan ross/brendon urie, slash, angst, standalone, nc-17

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