I know that this is what you want, a funeral keeps both of us apart

Mar 05, 2006 20:34

Its amazing how people can critizie and accuse and then blame you of not acting your age or acting immature when they are the ones who are truly acting as though they are still in High School.

People just never seem to grow up. They are so rapped up in their own lives that they cant even realize that people get hurt.

The shady bitchy act is something you should fucking grow out of by the time you get out of school.
You seriously remind me of the snobby spoiled stupid teens many people dispise.

Yeah if i say something now youll throw it out the window....but it is not going to work that any longer.

RESPECT Is something that will be returned when it is given.
So dont expect anything from me until you grow the fuck up.
Im not taking this shit anymore cause im not your bitch. Im 17 years old im not a child and i demand to be treated like a normal human being not some fucking alien that you wish wasnt here. I have ears and I can fucking hear what you say about me. I have feelings and I have a fucking heart unlike you people.

Im not the only one that sees it now. I finally know im not alone in this and that there are people on my side.
They know the you that exists when noone else may believe me. 
I thank them for that because i was getting so close to giving up.

So here it is in a nice sum up:

I cant stand the shit you put me through and you will no longer creep your way into my head to destroy my mind.
I am who I am and You will accept that if you care about me at all.
If you dont, (which you most likely will not), then its your loss.
Cause your not going to make me feel like shit anymore.

When im on with my own lifee
maybe youll realize some of the mistakes you made when you were to ignorant and stuck up to give a shit about anyone but yourself.

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