Jan 26, 2005 20:21
..Hey..decided tO
start this uP again--ToDay was super shiity..im really sick of these 2
lil bratz` that are decied to talk sO much shit bout me n suma my
frendsz` ii havent dOne shit to them thay seriously need to find a
better hObby..its really immature..first block blair n ash made fun of
me fer talkin` to sum dude behind me cuz he kept krcakin him knucled
and clickin his pen they said i was FLIRTING and GIGGLENG i sAy nah uH
haha!!then 2nd block i had mrs caper..we jus sat there and fucked
around the wHole class..im tryen to rember a poem i have to recite
tOmm.but it aint woRken--then 3rd block MATH..taylor n branden were
maken fun of me fer my face sayin they were gonna connect the dotts
then i had to Pull this earing outta caleys ear..Lunch came round` felt
like shit then 4th block i slept the whole tiime..then nOw im home and
slept and shiit tryen to studdy waiten oN summ Looser tO call