I was surfing randomly on Livejournal and felt the need to write this.

Nov 16, 2003 00:45

teh histroy of the internet

hey therez! this iz xclamentxcorex, here do give yall a bit of a lowdown on teh world of the internet well it wuz started, liek, last year by al gore j/k lolz sorry, hun wont happen again so anywayz, soem nerd made it and it was kinda "well whgo gives a fuck at first" but sum peeps thought, hey, this cood be a big deal :o!!!1 So they made deals n shit, and eventuly started puttin lil comercials on teh thing, 'cept people cal em popups because the appears on the screen n make a lil POP noise! hahaha lolz j/k omg then peeps started puttin porn on the web n guys like that shit so they made a lot of money off of the dum bastars ~*gurlz rulez*~;) then live journal came along and now bunches of goht shitz type bitchins on it, n its rly annoying.
now i'd like to do sum shout outs for no aparrint fucken reasin.

fred(sminky-poo lolz j/k:))- thanks fo the help gettin me through the breakup wit jason it wuz a realy hard thing so thank you for the help gettin me through wit it<3

jason-yur a dick n i hope you suck a big black cok an choke an die n when you die peeps will be liek, hey, butch, how did jason die? n the other guy will say he choked on a big black ciock >:(

samantha("well always hav eparis lolz")- you have been my best frend for thriteen yearz and have helped alot, sothank you aND DONT FORGET TO SHIT IN YOU SOCKS!1 HAHAHAHA

so newayz... thanks to everyone (EXEPT JASON, HES A DICK) fur bein there for me

peace out n <3 alwayz'-

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