Jan 20, 2009 18:18
I would REALLY appreciate advice ont his from other rat owners. T___T
My 2-year old rattie girl (a pet shop rat) has a tumour, and I've taken her to the vet, who says she can do an operation. We then found she actualyl has 2 tumours, one near the neck at the mammary gland, and another high on her chest- it's about ping-pong ball size. I'm concerned about the fact the vet admitted the tumour usually grows back.
She seems happy enough, if a bit annoyed by it, and eats and sleeps happily. But it is growing fast, and I can't decide if it's kindest to let her have the op or not, as it's going to be traumatic for her, and possibly she might not survive it, all for some extra time- and it worries me it might be cruel. That maybe I could just give her a nice time in the meantime, for as long as she has left, and not operate. It's also in rather a dodgy place to operate.
But then again it might be worth removing it once and seeing if it doesn't grow back. <>
I know ratties are prone to tumours, but I'd really appreciate advice from otehrs w ho had to make this decision!
Thanks - sorry if it upsets anyone.