May 18, 2005 15:29
so much happened since my last update... so much stuff in school, out of school, and in the bathroom.
Ill start with my car exploding. It didnt really explode, but it overheated finally. No oil change or stuff in a year and a half. Engine got so hot, it burned a hole in the radiator, and the pump, and the fan. So, i was thinking about getting a new car, but now ive decided to get it fixed. I bought the car back from my parents friends for almost $2000. But i just spent $2100 for the repairs and brakes. Not only that, but the people who repaired the car, left the door unlocked, and some poop eater came by and ran away with my cd sterio system and an airsoft gun... and an umbrella. I hope he uses the gun. Its broken, and it doesnt shoot forward, instead... it shoots backwards. I dont know what i did to it. So i got the car back with a 100$ thing toward a new/used cd system. Went to best buy, and got all happy over some of the cd players and bought a $350 one. So, it was due for an upgrade anyways. I like how it plays video clips and stuff.
Star friggin Wars tonight. Poulsbo auditorium 9... not 8. Ooops. i will find whose in what then, and try to trade off for one of the 3 that i want. Not many in aud.7... but 8 seems to be the party one.
A couple months back... i found this Sweet 05 Ford Mustang parked outside safeway. The windows were down, and there was something that caught my eye. A box of KRISPY KREMES!!! oh, and a purse. But i almost regret stealing the box of doughnuts, but hey! it serverd them right not to roll up the windows. I didnt even touch the purse, so they were lucky it was me, and not the same pee drinkers that stole my car radio.
Current events due next thursday, ill start tomorrow. Bought a case of Jolt cola. Will drink 3 the night before its due, and hope i wont PO myself.
Remember when i ate the birdpoop. Well, a couple days ago... my net came out cuz it wont fit anymore, iono why. Umm.. i woke up in the morning for school and saw bird poop on my pillow. I cant sleep with my window closed and i guess a bird shot at it and it flew right onto my bed. I had to clean it out and a brushed my teeth for about 20 minutes to make sure i didnt eat any of it while i was sleeping. Went to school late.
Next weekend Andrew, lets actually get your Spaghetti Factory / Krispy Kreme / Deaths Hill thing working. Im up for it, and i think im ready to brave the hill. If i could brave nazi, then i could brave a hill full of pistol packing black guys hanging out with girls with giant asses. And speaking of giant asses, i just took a pretty good poopie. Get it all out before i wait in line for 5 hours for the premier.
I finally got a stupid parking pass for the rest of the year. That was one of my goals for running for office. Im so happy. Now, as Senior Class treasurer, my next goal is to get a donut party up.
OHHH! theres a matter about endfest that i wanna settle. Whose going? who might be going? I really want to know, so far... i know only nick atkins and anna christopherson might be, but who else. Come on ppl, its gonna be great. Maybe i should wait till the warped tour? I know im going to the jimmy eat world / greenday one.