Apr 28, 2005 21:11
1. Your LiveJournal user name & what it means:
XL_OvrW8.... sound it out yourself
2. On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the highest) how well does your LiveJournal represent who you actually are?
3. How much about your life do you post to LJ? What is that you talk of?
most that happen either the day i post or the day
before. i talk of things that i want included in my autobiography, and
the krispy kremey goodness that has enriched my life with glaze,
powdered sugar... and yeast raised delicacies.
4. Is there anything you refuse to post about?
Umm... mean things unless i truely mean it.
5. On a scale of 1-10 how interesting do you think your own journal is to others?
6. Has anyone ever joined LJ because of you?
7. What proportion of your posts are friends only?
8. What is your favorite interest on LJ?
Krispy Kremes
9. How often do you post in communities, and did you ever start your own?
Communities... probably once a few months. Never started my own, someday though!
10. How often do you respond to/comment on other people's journals?
i try, but i dont livejournal surf too often enough.
11. Do you prefer to write in your journal or read other journals?
read others.
12. Have you ever had something mean
said to you or been stalked, harassed or got into an argument/flame war
on LJ (or did it to someone else)?
nope. im cool to others, and vice versa.
13. Have you ever banned someone from your journal?
14. Who are your three favorite LJ friend(s) and why?
_andrewozden: just sweet
ellenboyd: sweet posts
aurax: interesting, and a fellow azn
15. Of all of the people on LJ you know of, who is the most like you?
brianrue: cuz he's short, fat, and no one likes him
16. Why are you most likely to add someone to your friends list?
cuz.... we're...friends
17. Do you automatically add friends to your journal if they add you first?
18. What is the most likely reason you wouldn't add someone to your friends list?
19. Is your "significant other" on LJ?
20. Have you ever wanted to meet someone on LJ
after the 3 girls in maine story... probably not.