Jul 25, 2005 18:06
decisions are so difficult. words cannot express how hard it is to make a decision that both your heart and mind agree on. Its funny cuz my parents sit there and tell me "this is your first adult decision"... and it was. but on my path of figuring out what to do, i hurt someone, and yet i hurt him, and i'm not even sure that i made the right decision. i dont know what to think. i just know i wish this wouldv'e ended up differently. i really do kick myself. i haven't updated in this dam thing for a dam week. the last time i updated was the day b4 met him. July 18th. I met him the 19th. ..... so hard. but i must move on and let him move on too. i cannot do this to him or to myself. anyone who ends up with him will be the luckiest person in the world because they will have their happy ending. I had the chance of having this happy ending.... but.... im not ready......
I hope he will be ok. I hope he will be happy. I hope all will work out well for him and his future. He deserves all that prosperity.