Jan 02, 2007 03:13
I love getting ditched on New Years and getting 2 different explanations. A simple phone call would be nice, I don't even care if the plans were cancelled, at least I could have gone somewhere else instead of always being the nice person and waiting around and wasting my time.
On the plus side I got really really ridiculously stoned off a joint i rolled out of notebook paper when i was already baked. man did it hurt. i also took really cool pictures that I probably won't post because I'm lazy and tired. Maybe later.
I made a new years resolution this year:
Do not even get involved with fuckhead guys. No wasting time of them if they show any sign of fuckheadness. Find a non-fuckhead guy to be with. He must play videogames with me at my demand and I must find him cute. That's all.
On a side note, I'm being really forgetful lately. I'll read messages on myspace and forget to write back for days at a time or forget alltogether. I feel like an asshole, I'm sorrie if it seems like i'm ignoring any of you :(