Jul 20, 2009 10:15
wow ..man i just had a my two friedns and there older sister come to the door and ask my my grandmother and so i got her and i went back ...the older sister ...said ..he had a masive heartattack and died for 10 mintues ....and then got him breathing again .....so they are not 100% sure if there is brain damage or not ....i was there when she was talking at the door about it ...i watched her she looked liek she was holding back tears and seeing that and hearing what happen ...i had to leave ....i could not be there...i was going to start crying i feel so bad for the kids (my two friends) and liek they promblems (like mind wise) not very bad they are better .....kinda like ADD... but to have that happen...i wanna be there for them to help get through it ....even thou i know i cant do much but my family watnts to just help ....and to make things worce he has a stressful family job....i hope he gets better
if you could do one thing to help me out please pray for him to be well .....or even keep him in mind ...to hope he gets better faster..
thank you
Molly P.