Jan 22, 2009 03:00

It's like DBSK coming to Houston!!!!  Well, DBSK's my number 1 (ichiban!!!) but getting Miyavi here for me is like the equivalent of DBSK except from Japan, um, in j-rock from!!  I was debating on which anime convention to go to because the dates clash, April 10-12, but the recent announcement from Anime Matsuri had me going insane!  Sad part is I'm broke, need money for tuition first and foremost plus money for book cuz it turns out I need 8 books for English!!!  I went to the bookstore and the chick there was like "You need 8 books" and she stacks the whole thing up for me before I can say, "um, I'm only gonna take that one book we need now."  Lucky me I use the same Japanese text book :D  Art requires I take my drawing skills and pencil and Theology, well, I need a 50$ Bible -___-  I have a BIble, not the "Jerusalem Bible.  I stuck around in the bookstore getting all the ISBN #s fromt eh books, prices for new and used and titles in order to get them elsewhere.  While I was doing that I hit the last book required for English and I read the title only to want to scream in the book store!  Not in a bad way, in a very excited "OMG girl, wth is wrong w/ u screaming over a book???"   I was in class Tues. afternoon and we went over stuff, syllabus and a sorta timeline on what we'll be doing in class this semester and last she mentioned modern literature and we'll be studying 1 playwrite.  So the last book is none-other than a play by one of my fave authors Oscar WIlde!!!!  I haven't read that play but it was on my list to begin with!!! I just really do hope we get to it because I would be terribly sad if we didn't!  I was reading "The Portrait of Dorian Gray" last semester for fun and I went back to check out the book from the library since I didn't finish it and I just noticed the huge collection of Oscar WIlde books!! It's amazing!!  I promise that while I'm there I'll get to every book.

miyavi, j-rock, convention, omg! miyavi in houston!!!, anime matsuri, anime convention

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