[spell your first name backwards] leik
[four words that sum you up] I am just Kiel.
Discribe your..
[wallet] Old, worn, metallica logo, 3 chains. empty.
[jewelry worn daily] 2 ball necklaces (from Laura), barb wire (from Erica), chain (from lisa) with rings(from Sam)
[pillow cover] Fucking green
[shoes] Big, clunky WalMart boots with screws.
[cologne/perfume] Old Spice
[Shampoo] Hell if I know. Whatevers there.
[piercings] None
[clothes youre wearing now] Same as always.
[wishing] My internet was working better
[after this] I'm going to play Diablo
[talking to] Demo, Jessica
[eating] nothing
[fetishes] None
[some of your fav. movies] Office Space, Dogma, The Matrix
[somthing youre looking forward to in the upcomin months] My birthday party.
[last thing you ate] A spider
[something youre hella afraid of] Nothing, really
[if you could have any animals as pets what would they be] A gorilla
[some of your fav. foods] None
[something you wish you could understand better] German
[miss someone you haven't seen in a long time] Yes. You'd be surprised at who.
DO YOU...:
[like candles] Yes
[like incense] Yes
[believe in love] Yes
[believe in soulmates] No
[believe in love at first sight] No
[believe in forgiveness] Sometimes
[want to get married] Yes
[want to have kids] Yes
[believe that you know the person that youll marry at this point in time] No
[cried] No
[bought sumthin] A donut.
[gotten sick] Steve said soemthing pretty gross earlier...
[sang] No.
[eaten] Yes
[been kissed] No
[felt stupid] No
[wanted to tell someone you loved them, but didn't] No. That's for idiots.
[met someone new] Not in person.
[moved on] Over some stupid things, probably.
[talked to an ex] No
[missed an ex] Yes...*cough*
[talked to someone you have a crush on] No
[had a serious talk] Probably
[missed someone] Yes
[hugged someone] No
[fought with your parents] No
[dreamt about someone you can't be with] Yes
[best girl friend(s)] Laura, Kate, Demo, Rachel
[best guy friend(s)] Steve, Mitch, Tom
[boyfriend/girlfriend] No.
[hobbies] Guitar
[pager/cell] My cell phone got fucked up when I walked from Gibraltar in the pouring rain
[are you the center of attention or wallflower] Depends on who I'm with
[car you drive] None
[would you rather be with friends or on a date] It depends on who.
[job] Dust collector.
[attend church] No.
[like being around people] Depends on who.
(popularity contest omitted)
[who is your role model] Richard Kruspe
[pet peeves]Ignorance.
[ever liked someone you had no chance with] No
[ever lied to your best friend] I don't think so
[ever wanted to get revenge on someone b/c they hurt you] lol yea
[cried over the opposite sex] Are you a fag?
[have a certain "type" of person you go after] Yea. Girls.
[rather be dumper or dumped] No one cares.
[rather have a relationship or "hook-up"] No one cares.
[what is your fav. part of your physical appearance] It would have been my hair
[what is your fav. part of your emotional being] Sense of humor?
[are you happy with yourself] Yep
[are you happy with your life] Yep
[if you could change one thing what would it be] You're an idiot.
three things im doing rite now:
1: listening to Rammstein
2: Tapping my foot
three things I want to do before I die:
1: Learn German and Norwegian
2: Play a show in front of thousands of fans
3: 2 chicks at the same time
Three things I can do:
1: You
2: Your mom
3: Your mom
[x] love is: Rare
[x] love or lust?: Lust is alot more common.
[x] best love song: Cannibal Corpse - Stripped, Raped, and Strangled
[x] is it possible to be in love w/ more than one person at the same time: Not in love. Lust, definitely.
[x] when love hurts,you: Work things out. If you can't, move on. Life's too short to be depressed all the time
[x] true or false: all you need is love: False. You need money, too. And maybe air.
[x] is there such thing as love @ first sight?: No, you fucker.
[x] how are you today? Bored
[x] how is the weather right now? Pretty calm.
[x] last person you talked to on the phone? Don't remember, phones suck
[x] last dream you can remember? I was crowdsurfing at some concert and I got dropped, and fell into a lake.
Do you?:
Consider love a mistake?: No.
Like the taste of alcohol?: No.
Believe in God?: No, don't get me started.
Got to or plan to go to college?: Yes
Hate yourself: Do I look retarded?
First crush: Kate Hulet
first kiss: ^^^
*Juicy stuff
Have you ever played a game that required removal of clothing?: Yes. Alone. In the dark.
Favorite place to be kissed?: Neck.
Have you ever been caught "doing something?": One time i was eatng this sandwich, when...
what does "doing something" mean exactly?? Being occupied with an activity.
Are you a tease?: I don't know what's dumber, you asking that or me answering it.
Word association
Rubber: condom
Rock: sucks
Green: sucks
Wet: fun
Cry: pointless
Peanut: arms
Hay: Ho
Cold: Hearted
Steamy: sex
Fuck: shit
Hair: black
Eyes: hazel
Height: 5' 9"
Dated one of your best friends? no
Loved somebody so much it makes you cry? no
Drank alcohol? yes
Done drugs? yes
Broken the law? yes
Run away from home? Do I look stupid?
Broken a bone? No
Played Truth Or Dare? Yes
Kissed someone you didn't know? Yes
Been in a fight? Yes
Come close to dying? No, never.
The most embarrassing CD in your collection?: None
What is your bedroom like: Cold
Your favorite thing for breakfast? Emo kids