Sep 10, 2006 10:12

long time no update..lol.
well i can say alot has been going on. and i think updating
might make me feel better or something.
well, as i said, i think i did..i got the job at hollywoodvideo. down in scranton.
i like it there alot. its fun i guess you could say. the people i work with
i love already. lol...and i got promaoted! yes already.crazy eh? instead of being a GSR
they asked me to be a shft leader..which is basicly under a mangaer. & act like one
when tara ( my manager) isnt on dutey. so all i have to do is get my license now. & get allie
into daycare..i mean she is on a 6th month waiting list, for it to get paid for. so
im going to have to pay for it for now. which is going to be alot of money. :( but its what i have
to do.
RASCAL FLATTS=AMAZING. the conncert was just amazing. thats all i have to say
gary allan was awesome as well. it was just such a great conncert. i loved it.if the RASCAL FLATTS come next
year. me and leann are preordering the tickets to get closer!!! haha
but yes, im still living with bryan. i saddly enough had to brake up with geno, we'd never see each other. i mean
yeah he was a good guy. but idk we'd never see each other, and im just not sure. & i couldnt stay away from
bryan..lol..if those are the words i wanna use..haha..
i mean im extraaa happy being with him. but i have those days, where all i can think about is what happend..when
we were together but werent. i'll get over it soon enough. i better, considering im going to spend the rest
of my life with him. duhh..yeah thats right..oct 2010.. ;) gettin married ;)
yay! lol.
so i've decide when i get paid im going to start christmas shopping for Allie. its gonna be so fun this year.
& ive decide what im getting half of the people i need to shop for. such as bryans mom,brother, havent figured out what im getting
his dad yet. lol...i got my mom covered, and thats all for now..lol..!
oh well. i have a few months, dont know why im rushing ahead.
i cant friggin wait for halloween!
its going to be sooo fun. i get to take Allie trick or treating this year!! :) its gonna be sooo much fun. Im excited. last year
was the first year i didnt go bc she was too young. and around halloween last year wasent the best week, and then halloween was no fun, bc my sister and fallon were both in the hospital. so im praying this halloween nothing bad happens.
Bryan might be home for halloween, so he said if he is he'd go with us. which id enjoy :)
on that note...Allies great.no more ceawling at all lol.shes starting to speak little words such as..cup,hot,hiya,&yeah. i think she might be an early speaker! lol. she's so beautiful. im going to get her pictures taken sometime next week i think.

anyway. i love living here at bryans. i get along with everyone & they all love Allie. but i should only be here another month or so. gonna find a place of my own.bryan said he wants to comute next semister, then he could stay with me & Allie =]..but idk if he really is going to..not to sure yet.

but i guess ill update later..hopefully ill get over this trust thing....soon :(
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