(no subject)

Sep 18, 2008 04:24

i feel like throwing up. too much to worry about. ugh. but the one thing i think about is how much i love and appreciate him. if i were to lose him, id probably lose myself because he has become part of me and i part of him. its like we are one person or some gay shit like that. point being id do anything for him and regardless of the fuck ups on both sides i know we are guna make it big because i wont settle for anything less. mario takes my brooky next weekend and that is heart wrenching. idk what im guna do with my poor donny. i need to find him a home frealz. any takers? so much going on. friday is mike's tia's brothers bday bbq if that makes sense? hah. going to that and tomorrow hes getting faded and lined up. sat my little boys have a soccer game at 8am gah then straight to madera for the bully show. sunday is mikes uncles 60th bday bash but theres guna be some family wed rather not hang out with so were not going. maybe well make it a relax day. idk well see. =] i think i feel like going out and buying him something tomorrow after work. nothing big, i think a 5000 dollar dog is quite sufficient but just a little something to say i love you. got a grand to go towards the pup end of nov. just need 1500 more and were set. this breeding thing is big sacrifice right now money wise. loooots of cash up front to get it started but hes happy and it will all be worth it when he makes back the money happily doing something he enjoys. fuck all the haters who said he couldnt do it. hes so much more than they think. so much more intelligent than you know and so much more determined to make a good life for himself and myself than you could probably imagine. i hate people who look at him and think oh hes 1. mexican and 2. covered in tattoos and they automatically assume hes a lowlife or is bad news, fuck em. the end.
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