Nov 10, 2008 21:05
where has the responsibility in young people gone? What about morals, standards, and life goals. Call me old fashioned but I fully intend (and will succeed at) on not getting married until I am close to owning a home and not having a child until after I am married and own a home. Young adults have become so irresponsible. Birth control is so easy to get, I mean if you can't afford it from your doctor go to planned parenthood. The amount of people I know my age and close to my age that have kids or at pregnant or are getting married fast is astonishing. What happened to common sense people? It's so easy to be safe and save a baby from growing up without nothing but the best environment, so why not do so? Maybe my ideals are different, maybe it's not cool to be safe? Who knows but at the rate were going when our kids are 12 their friends will have kids. Is this what we want to see in our children's future? I certainly do not, so wise up people. We are adults, start acting like it and stop thinking what we see around us is ok.