grr .. *

Apr 01, 2005 00:59

-> Your Perfect Guy

Short Answer
.: x hAir coLor- bRowN 0r bl0nde
.: x eYe coLor- blUe 0r gReeN
.: x heIght- tAllEr tHan mE
.: x sh0rt oR loNg haIr- dEpEndS 0n gUy
.: x pRep, skAter, joCk, eTc- iI d0nT lAblE

Yes or No
.: x glAssEs- n0
.: x conTacts- yEs
.: x bUff- yEs
.: x piErciNgs- yEs
.: x taToos- n0
.: x co0k- yEs
.: x loVe hIs m0m- yEs
.: x waTch chIck flIcks wiTh y0u- yEs
.: x cUss- yEs
.: x drInk- n0
.: x sm0ke- n0
.: x wrIte poEms- yEs
.: x waLk y0u t0 y0ur do0r- yEs
.: x pAy f0r diNner- yEs

This or that
.: x fuNny oR seRioUs- fUnnY
.: x niGht oUt oR stAy aT hoMe- nIghT oUt
.: x sHy oR ouTgoiNg- 0uTg0inG
.: x caNdy oR fl0weRs- fl0weRs
.: x smArt oR duMb- smArt
.: x n0t afRaiD t0 spEak hIs mInd oR d0 whAt maKes y0u haPpy- n0t aFraId t0 sPeaK hIs mInd
.: x quIet oR loUd- l0ud
.: x clAss cl0wn oR clAss neRd- cLasS cl0wn
.: x fuNny oR saRcaStiC- sArcAstiC
.: x bAskEtbaLl oR fo0tbAll- bAskEtbaLl
.: x h0neSt oR trUshtw0rthY- trUstw0rtHy
.: x wiLd oR coNserVed- wIlD

haha heyy everyone i havent really updating in a long time .. umm i think this little survey was cute please comment and take it! <3 lol love yah all!
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