Nov 26, 2008 22:54
It's so comforting for me to realize that I don't need anyone. Seriously. If the few people I know decided never to talk to me again, it really wouldn't break my heart. I would merely relish the peace. It's nice to realize I don't have to explain myself to anybody. I am who I am, and I can't change who I am for someone else. And why should I? Fuck all of those who are full of so much pride that they expect you to live the way they do; think how they think. Why are there so many people who are like that? I don't go around, expecting others to think how I think, like the same things I like and believe in my same beliefs. I tell you what you can do for me, however.. Can you just die and give me that much more room to breath? This world is full of some stifling mother fuckers. I am no one's puppet. Most human beings, quite honestly, are not worth the energy and the time to get to know, because humans are too fragile. We live in a world that has been made plastic. The natural world becomes ever more a mystery and a taboo, as we separate ourselves from that which nurtured us at the time of the first fruits of man. It is now Man vs Woman.. Woman vs Man.. As we defile the world around us, and then, with the same cheek, expect Mother Earth to feed us, cloth us, and sustain us. A rift grows wider, despite any claim to progress. This society has become so expansive and complex that peace and understanding are accepted strangers. So if you want to talk to yourself, go right ahead. Nobody will hear you anyway.