Feb 27, 2008 21:23
Yesterday was my first day giving up caffeine. I have tried this a few times before, but this time it's for real. No more caffeinated sodas and no more tea. I have never been a coffee drinker, but as badly as I crave caffeine right now, I would gladly drink a heaping cup right now.. But, I won't.
What spurred me into forsaking caffeine? For one, it's a legalized drug. Nothing more. How long should I allow myself to be a slave to the fix? Secondly, the persistent insomnia. Thirdly, caffeine is a diaeretic and therefore is not good for anyone who is athletic and needs to stay hydrated - it will leave you dehydrated instead. Caffeine, however, has been shown to improve performance WHILE you're exercising, but that doesn't mean you should be overdosing on it. Fourthly, caffeine has sexual side-effects. Even though I may not being having sex right now with a lucky lady (LOL), there may come a time - hopefully soon!!!
It all hot home for me on Monday when the scale read 210 lbs. I don't think I have ever weighed this much before, and I vowed to #1 give up the sugary drinks and just drink straight water and #2 give up the caffeine that is making me lose a good night's sleep. And I think part of my weight problem is a result of sleeplessness.
So, just as I expected, the a-typical side-effect of caffeine withdrawal was a 5pm headache yesterday. I was feeling very lethargic and finally had to take some aspirin about 10pm to at least lessen the severity of the headache.
This morning I woke up with a slight headache and I felt so incredibly grawgy. I just wanted to lay there so badly. It was very hard getting up. I stood in the showed half-asleep. I drove to work half-asleep. When I got to work, we had a morning meeting and a barely said a word at the meeting. I just sat there is a daze, staring off into blankness. I was also moody and not feeling the urge to smile at all, which gave others in the meeting the presumption that I didn't care to be there. After the meeting was over, I made up some excuse and told them I had to leave to meet some clients. Instead, I came home and fell asleep.. I woke up a little before 5pm and told them I was on my way back and got there just as they were closing up. The nap DID help, and I felt in a little better of a mood.
So now, it seems like I am substituting the lack of caffeine with over-eating. I have been drinking a lot of water, however, but I always feel the need to MUNCH.. I haven't touched a sugary drink, however, but that doesn't mean that my body won't adapt to carbohydrates I am taking in and then it will be madness all over again.
Tomorrow I'll give my next report on caffeine withdrawal... God, I hope this doesn't go on too long!