Another one....

Sep 21, 2008 20:52

Have you ever told anyone you were okay when you really weren't?
of course.

Do you have a friend of the opposite sex that you should just pretty much be with?
um i don't think so.

What are you looking forward to?
reading more manga sometime. please chapters please stock the first volumes of arcana pleaaaaseeeeeeeeeee

Do you think anyone in general out there loves you?
not.. in general.. just friends/family?

What is one thing you miss about your past?
happiness... lmao

What is your greatest accomplishment?
i don't have one. i am such a below-average person lol

Do you talk a lot?
i guess

Can you play pool?

Name 3 thoughts at this exact moment.
a. waaaah i have so many pages of math that i didn't do for 5 days....
b. yuuuuum minami haruka's mangaaa
c. the girls in doors of chaos are so annoying

Did you cry today?
um no

Where were you at 8:00 this morning?
in bed sleeping like a pig :O but i got up earlier than i thought i would... i slept at 2 30 and got up at 9... i think i was also driven by the prospect of reading more manga @_@

Are you gonna be home alone tonight?

How do you feel about babies?
i don't think they're that cute... :/

Who do you make fun of the most?
hanna and vicky i think

Does your mom vacuum early in the morning, when you're sleeping?

Do you find it in your heart to forgive?

Would you prefer a thunderstorm or for it to be snowing?
thunderstorm because snow will literally kill half the people living on this plateau.

Do you like to smile?
um i guess

How Tall Are You?
157.5 cm/ 5"2 i think

What time do you usually wake up on the weekends?
umm 9 30 (when my dad's around. it's just random if he's in taiwan. like now. but never past 12 or anything, it makes me feel sleepy for the rest of the day)

Last thing you had to drink?

What are you wearing?
the pj set rita got me for xmas :D

Do you like your phone?
yes it's very cute. lol

Do long distance relationships work?
i don't think so.

Are you tanned?
nope not really. but i'd like to be as white as my legs. lol

Is there any part of your body that hurts?

Are you happy with your life right now?
not really

Who made you laugh today?
erm the chibi characters in my manga. lol.............

Are you slowly drifting away from someone close?

When was the last time you cried really hard?
really really hard? i'm not sure.. but i cry kinda frequently

Last bed you slept in?

Last words you spoke?

Remember everything you did this summer!?
haha no of course not O_O;; i'd be super human if i could

Did u go to the beach?
no, i don't really have a reason to go to the beach. i don't swim. and i don't like getting tanned.

Did u have a summer romance?

Did someone tell u they loved you?
ergh my mom? idk???????

What was your favorite summer moment?
just doing things leisurely

Did something awesome and cool happen this summer?
umm i don't think so

What is the best movie you saw this summer?
the other bolelyn girl

Did u read any books this summer?
hmmmmmm the devil wears prada.

Had any all nighters?
nope. i like sleep a lot.

Had any sleepovers?
yes just 1

Went to any pool parties?
no i can't swim :S and eeeeeeek me wearing swimwear awkward muchhhhh

Went boy/girl watching?
not really. i look out for people who're cute tho. lol

Make any new friends?
hmmmmmm not really

Was this the summer before college for you?

Did you watch Camp Rock on Disney Channel?

Did you go anywhere besides the beach?

Did you see The Dark Knight?

Did you miss someone this summer?

Any hearts broken?
um nope

Do you wish you could change anything?
i'd change a lot of my life actually

Do you think this summer was better then last years?
it was pretty much the same

One word to describe the summer?


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