Oct 12, 2006 06:01
okay so iam a little confused and i need peoples opinions on what i should do. Okay so iam startign to like this guy and i think he's a really great person and he has a great presonalitly and i have a lot of fun with him. Now there have been some jestures between the two of us that could be taken for liking eachother but then agian it could just be friend stuff. But me liking him is a big step in itself because i havent liked anyone since nick and thats a problem all in itself. Well see i dotn have a date to homecoming and i really want to go with this guy but he doesnt go to burroughs so i would have to ask him but i dont want to be truned downed and make things akward and i jsut dont know waht to do. So should i go for it or no or what?