(no subject)

May 16, 2007 08:53

Oh no :( Big bad bitchy Kitara told you you fucking suck. OH GOD LETS COMPLAIN TO THE WORLD!!! Because yanno. If I'm such a stranger and nobody then why does it matter what I say anyways? Oh shit you called me bad words in your journal. Shit I am so fucking hurt and scared and just horribly upset!!....Well I would be if I really cared. Oh no you went to the world and their mother to cry about what a horrible bitch I am.....I'm sorry you suck? And can't do your job? Should I apologize because you can't type correctly when thats actually a listed requirement? Haha.

On another note. PP admins good vs bad dun dun dun dunnnnn!

(10:10:57 PM) PoseProAdmin: i will promise to tell you if you do the just of telling me who leaked information to you from PP.
i am not here to punish you in any form, kitty darling. so don't worry.
(10:11:15 PM) Kitara: ...You couldn't punish me eitheir way?
(10:11:40 PM) jPoseProAdmin: well, i could go ahead and call you names and spread hate

Threatening now :o Good job PP!

"People frown down upon the once great Kitara".....I never realzied that just by using a forum I was oh so great? Lmfao. I am great in real life. :D I don't need to be great online I've come to this conclusion.

on a muhc more lively note :D
I'm fucking working my asssss off. Me and Bugfinder have decided to split. (haha who didn't see that coming) I am a Second Life addict. Someone please save my soul! D:
Things I do not do anymore:
Be nice
Go on chats
Use PosePro
Use my tablet
Use Photoshop.

I stoped drawing! Fuck chats! :D
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