I MET SOMEONE FROM WH TODAY! HOW COOOL. I met SilentTiger. He is REALLY COOL. I had a great time. He apaprently only lives like 10-15 minutes away or something. I hope we hang out again :O. We went to the mall and window shopped and talked and stuff just generally hung out. It was really cool, we drooled over final fantasy figures for awhile before the lady was all "DON'T DROP STUFF K" and we're like "ya cause yanno totally drop plastic figurines on purpose!" Then we went back to my apartment and he played with my rat and I showed him my bird. He loved my cutiewootierattie. :B so much we took a picture with her! >:O SHUT UP SO WHAT IF I AM SHORT!
So this is SilentTiger Me and My rat Lena.