Jan 01, 2005 12:44
Okay so last nite...hhm eventful. but oh my goodness the funniest day in my life.
so it all started by us getting ready as asha, like 5hours early, her
mum seeing the alchohol our drunk conversations with malini and sophie
<3 **love you both** and then them stumbling into her house,
'trying' to be sober. My buff up shimmer stick everyone wanted to use :
"does any one want some buffness?!?!"
The journey down to Alis was soo hectic, sophie crying in the
background, me and asha singing happy birthday rele loudly to drown it
out so her dad wudnt ask questions, emily being blonde......as per
usual. Nearly crashing with the silver car, wud have actually died!
We arrived at alis and saw Vikki (my buuuuuuuuf girlfriend). screaminng
with everyone having general jokes with her. her with her butyful
complements "I have love for all the bwood girls" <3 she soooo
stunning! Seeing Emily and her BUUFF playboy tracksuit, seeing dom with
his 'style' and new pink shirt, was very very impressed! Comapring
niceness of scarfs with freddy 'i dont care how expensive yours is,
mines PINKso it wins hands down right asha!?!'
"huh wat sorry toooootally wasnt paying attention there"
meeting my new best friend :) Ella, commenting on her butyful shoes,
and nice top......meeting Hedi....mh well yes as Oska me and Joe
decided....utter lesbian! hehe well she was cute, but seemed a
bit..........:S *bless her*
Having the bum competition with Dom, okay so emily wins overall with
her S E X U A L N E SS, but i totally dont believe his arse is firmer
than mine, thanxs Ali, Ella, Vikki, Sean, Tim, Jake, and everyone else
is for saying mine was nicer :), he didnt didnt didnt win, nuhuh! :p
Meeting Clare, my offical gf, sorry Seana.....but she is gorgeous, our
dancing with dom, who had like 34827589435894 girls around him, proper
PIMP, seeing him and Emily together.....BEAUTIFUL-perfectness!
Meeting Clare, proposing to clare, dancing with clare, beggin fags with clare.....love her up <3 pure 'sex on legs' --as vikki wud say :)
Tim dissowning his babies 'Isabel and Jake' so luvliee Jake higgns
stepped in instead, so we now have 'junior Jake,and Isabel' lol.
Meeting sophie again, love.love.love her so much, me hers asha and
ellas minute of silence for our sisters and brothers who we lost at
very young ages :(
leaving ::
trying to find a loo fro yearssss! having to pee in the street in the end, my dad was not impressed!
ashas funny conversation with oska......who i love becos he gave me a
buff blue diamond earing , i have a pink one for you butyful :)
then the worst thing
*ring ring ring ring*
"hello this is PC maclan, dont panik but sinead is with us, she has been attemptedly raped"
having to wait in the station for her to make her statment until like
6. me and asha falling asleep, and finding everything sinead sed
"his hands were slipping up my arse"
policeman-"in a cupping motion"
sinead-"not more like a gropping i want you motion"
.i dnt think the policemen were impressed with us
the buiscut prezzie from asha- LOL
and then mcdonalds. the nicest meal ever, and my conversation with
anthony about everything, ringing him like every 5 seconds. hehe
sorrrry xxxxx
it was good thou, :)
love you xoxox