Aug 14, 2005 01:24
This is a game I like to call:
Questions to why you hate me and or dont care!
Catchy huh?
I think so.
Basically this is how it works..
I ask a question such as..
Why does it seem like no matter what i do no one cares?
Then you sit there with a blank look on your face knowing i am thinking about YOU.
More examples? Yay!
-Why cant I ever be good enough?
-Why arent I in your fucking LJ post sarah? Why dont I matter? Its 6 Letters or 4 if you wanna get lazy or am i just forgotten?
-Why do i try every day to help when i get ignored?
-Why dont you care even though im ALWAYS here if you need to talk if you need to tell someone something?
-Do you not trust me?
-Or do you just not like me?
-Are you wondering why im being just a bitchy depressed idot?
-Do you know you all make me happy that i may move this year?
Did you know you all were the reason i stuck around and gave life another chance?
-Did you know i would do anything to make you all happy?
-Did you know i would sacrifice my own life for your alls?
-Did you know i have no idea why i would when no one cares
Those were some examples
Now for the final sudden death question:
Did you all know that even though i feel as though you hate me, even though i think everyone ignores me,hates me, even though you all make me cry once in a while that i still love you all?
CONGRATS >Winners name here<
You have won...
Questions to why you hate me and or dont care!
>Cheering in the backround