(no subject)

Jan 23, 2005 21:49


was still at mydad's house till like 12 and then my mom came and
picked me up and we went home; then i called britt to see whut was up
and everything and then we decided to go out in the SNOWW! and called
like x2342574354 people to come out and of course called the other half of b*unit,to see if they wanted to come out but they couldnt so were gonna hang out this weekend! ah cant wait! cause some trouble... but anyways all the other people that didnt come wanted to watch the eagles so
dat was gay but we still got britt, me, billy, don, jason, steph and emily were there
and we just went sledding and stuff and then went back to don's house to get warm since it was so freakin cooldd! ahhh, and then we walked back to britts house and waited for billy's mom to come and pick him up and then we ate dinner; and i came home and started studying for my bio final & then britt called me and said WE DONT HAVE SCHOOL!!!!! =) yessss and so now im just talking to ppl....about whut were gonna do tomm. and stuff

leave it =)<3

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