Jan 09, 2005 20:02
last week
monday& tuesday was just school & coming home doin homework and all dat boring stuff then on wedsnday & thursaday just chilled at britts house and then ended up going home and doing nothing and she came over to use the computer and we acted like fools...hahah then;
this weekend
i went to my dad's house it was boring... cept sat. we went to the oxford valley mall and i went shoppin and used up my gift cards and crap and looked around for stuff dat i think i mite want for my birthday but yeah and then i came home
came home from my dads house at like 130 and then started cleanin and all dat crap, and talked online to some ppl....tommorow school :/ ugh i dont feel like going and then rach is coming to pick us up yooo!
leave somin' for me! =)