May 09, 2004 19:04
people who work totally suuuck... cough..jeff..cough
hmmm ill kill em' ah its ok i guess. i gave mommy her moms day gift...she loved it..(i think)hmm soo yea i get to go to my grandmothers house in a few...oh what a joy..
damn holiday..nah its ok. anyway... last night i talked to mty sexxy on the telamaphone oh phone sex HMM NO... dani i love you. figured i'd tell you that! hmmmm my sister was looking at all the prom im glad i didnt get asked. tooo many people to look at my ugly sex..especially if i was wearing a dres... HA NO... but yea i have school tomorrow..what a downer. thats deff. a mood killer. ah hell. i guess I HAAAVE to go. so many projects to do.... 1 in spanish, 2 in english, 1 in bio, 1 in history...and more.... damn school sucks the monkey.
oh well i have my people and places to keep my many moods
SEMI-GOOD like Max, katie, Dani, Chris.... i guess thats good right? well yes Jeff you suuck because you worked to late yesterday... but hey it happens. but if it ever happens AGAIN... then i guess it happens. well im out now.
Love me... Leandra
i love you max