I'm pretty content with everything right now..minus one thing. But I'll try and be patient about it and go about it naturally. Naw what I'm sayin?.Naw what I'm sayin?
My room is in the process of being painted..I think the smell has finally gotten to me. Wooo.I'm getting another new bed. At first my bed was gonna be a tent cause I wanted room in my room, and with a tent you just fold it and vwala..there is space! And I could hide friends in there. Yeah? But talk about g-h-e-t-t-o. My next idea is now a couch with a fold out bed..so I can have a hip couch to chill on in the day[including the extra space I'm aiming for] and a snazzy bed to catch some snooz on in the night. Wickeeed.
--So, school..I'm still slacking off..BUT only this progress report, because I know I can redeem myself and waznot. So it's all gravy and I got it in the bag.
I'm so just rambling..and it's not like you care.
Oh, and I am also aiming to be licensed this month. Score dude.
Hey, I love life.
My childhood friend. Alegra's window..I loved that show. I loved Nick Jr.