Jun 10, 2006 16:45
a journal entry from january first at 12:45am
If i could have one thing right now, itd be zac begging for me to do the little girl voice. as much as ive told him i hate when he asks that, it means so much to me to know that someone could be so happy as a result of something i created.
The next thing would be to have brian lean in desperate for a kiss. i want him to live soley for the next moment we're together, becaus i could do that for him. i just wish id known that when i still had the chance.
I dont even want to think about natalie because she has pumped my heart with neon until its absolutely about to burst. then she just sat there watching my heart beat, bloated and glowing. neon seeping out the cracks. she walked away while i deflated and now i have terrible stretchmarks which sting when you touch them with your bacteria-infested hands.
zac is moving to california in 10 days.
im trying not to think about it