So MuCh CraZinEsS

Apr 10, 2005 00:48

Dear Diary,

Wow..things are so crazy lately..lets just say i'm so tired lol and so exhausted, not to mention cranky haha

~I know this isnt Beauty n the Beast, but its the only Disney Icon I could its gonna be Disney haha Its going pretty good..lots of lots lol Its been really crazy, I have been uterly exhausted lately, its driving me insane lol I'm like freaking out! I seriously  HATE IT! lol Sometimes, i just wanna quit, but I cant do that to everyone and I love most of the cast. Besides, I only have to stick it out for two more weeks!! Thank gosh lol Things with the show are running pretty smoothly though! WOO! lol Getting a lot done, thank gosh!! We still got a lot to go though!!

~Cory, Hey babydoll. I know your going through some stuff right now, so I just wanted to let you know that I am here for matter what!! I hope all that your worrying about is fixed and I will see you smile once again. You have been an amazing friend to me through so much! Thank you for bieng there, you really do mean the world to me babe! Your an incredible friend!!

~Kayla C. Hey gurlie!! I know things are pretty rough for you right now, but dont forget that I lvoe you so much gurlie! I know your hurting and you've got so much going on right now, but I will NEVER be to busy for you or forget about you! You helped me grow more than anyone ever has!! Me n you are so close and I tell you everything!! I cherish every memory we've ever made and cant wait to make many more!! I love you gurl!!

~So this w/e has been like INSANE lol SO much going on! I was gonna do Relay for Life, but i was on my time of the month, so i wimped out haha I was like no thats ok haha So julia came over n spent the night! WOO! FIRST TIME EVER!! haha it was such a great night haha Lots of funny moments! *COCROACH* that scared that shit outta me..i was so embarrassed too babe! lol LOVE YA! Then Sat, tons of rehearsal..then went to the movies w/ Dan n Mark. THat was pretty fun! Saw "Guess Who"! Totally cute movie, i enjoyed it alot!! Tons of hw and reheasal for tomrrow(sunday)! Alright, i'm outie!!

xoxo SaM

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