A GooDbYe LeTTer

Mar 29, 2005 23:20

To Him...

The best way I know how to do this, is in a letter. And I pray to god you know who you are. I've been holding this all in for the longest time, and its time I tell you how I feel and finally let you go. I know you've moved on since we went out. I know you dont think about me, like I still think about you. I miss you everyday from the way you smile or the way you make me laugh. But I finally realized today, that its just pointless. I cant do anything to fix what happened to us or make you change your mind about us. I can only hope that you find happiness and are enjoying life. I am still confused about what happened between us, but I guess I cant really do anything about that. Understanding and accepting is something that will come with time on my part and I'm trying. I'm writing this to tell you how much you really did mean to me. I shared and told things to you I have never told anyone else. And I dont regret any of it. You were an important part of my life by far. You became one of my best friends and I could tell you anything. You cared for me and treated me better than anyone. I will always hold close the memories we made and I will never forget the time we spent together. I want you to know that a part of my heart will always belong to you..forever. Thank you for giving me the memories I have to remember our time together by. I've just realized, its time for me to be over us. I cant keep hoping that we might be again, I have to know its over. And I'm sorry for any pain or stress I've caused you. I didnt mean to.  Thank you for everything, you've helped me through a lot.

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