_-*!~CaRpE DiEm~!*-_

Mar 05, 2005 15:11



There were so many things I wanted to say to you before you left, and I didnt get a chance to say them. I'm sorry I didnt tell you EVERYDAY how much you have changed my life and made me such a better person!! You amazed me more than anyone I have ever met. You were so full of life and joy!! You taught me to alwyas seize the day, you told me to always live like it was your last! Taking one day at a time and enjoying every last minute. I still remember the first day I met you Robbie, you were a senior and I was just a sophmore, but you were still so nice to me. You were joking around with me and telling me so many thigns!! Then you became my sleeping buddy, that way I wasnt sleeping on the car door on the way from games. I still remmber riding home with you all those fridays and falling asleep with you! I still remember when you got me sick and how I got everyone else sick! I remember the way you laugh and the way you would always make me feel better whenever I was sad. You were such like a big brother to me! You alwyas watched out for me, making sure I was ok and that no one was hurting me! We joked aroudn so much together and I never had more fun!! Mardi Gras was by far the best time I've ever had with you! You gave me some beads cuz I didnt have any and we spent most of our time just hugging. I still remember your hugs, they were so great! Then you walked around Mardi Gras with me n kara cuz we wanted corn dogs, even though you hated them. You were such an amazing friend and AWESOME person! I never saw you upset or w/o a smile on your face! You taught me so many lessons that I will keep with me till the day that I die. And I hope that when I do, you will be waiting at the gates of heaven for me! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! Take care of yourslef up there, no one will ever forget you!!*03-04-05*
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