(no subject)

Dec 22, 2004 15:37

Well I thought i would post seeing how i haven't in the past few days. Well we are on our christmas break. been on it since last thursday. Just been hanging out with my BFF. [[Lyndsay]]. Haven't hung out with my Christopher lastely. he has been busy and so have I.

Last night I called Charlie to see how he was doing. He asked me and question.

Charlie- "Kaila what's up with your and Kaela Greene? Why don't she like you?" Me- "No i don't like her anymore after she talk shit about me. and what has she said about me?" Charlie- "IDK she just tell me she don't like you and all" Me- "What's her number and I will call her and see what her problem is." Charlie- "IDK I will look thru my phone and then call me back." Me- "Okay."

So I called back and he gave me the number. I 3way her with him on the phone but he don't talk.

somegirl taht picked up the phone- "Hello?" M"Is Kaela there?" girl- " Yea, who is this" Me- "Kaila." girl- "She is here but she said she don't fill like bitching your ass out so she is not going to talk to you." Me- "That bitch aint going to bitch no ones ass out."

So they hang up on me and I call back. and they didn't answer. Well so then I called Lynday on Jesse's cell and I talk to them. Well we go to her house but yet she wasn't there. So when I get home she calls me from Kayla Martins house (A girl that I tried to fight but got her mom in on it and she pussyed out) SO then Kayla and Kaela were both saying that they could beat my ass and all this shit and so Jesse comes and gets me and it's me,Lyndsay, Kym and him. well we get there and Kaela and Jesse(some girl) and a guy was inside. well i was like bitch you said you can beat my ass i am here do it. Well she wouldnt come outside. so Lyndsay calls Jesse(the girl jesse) and was like wtf yall say yall can beat kailas ass come do it. Jesse said. "Well Stephanie,Kayla and Erica aint here. we are going to wait on them so it will be a fair fight" So then Kym gets on the phone and was like " if your worried about my whole 92 lbs then count meout. lOl" so then we see kayla and them coming but they keep going. well kayla made stephanie drive them back. Well Kayla wouldnt even get outa the car but yet she wanted to fight me. So then I was liek..

Me- "Kaela you said you can beat my ass so lets fucking go" Kaela- "Fuck you you fuckig bitch" Lyndsay- " Kaela your nothing but a pussy..you say you can beat her ass but yet you wont come to the road and do it." Kaela- "Fuck you stupid fucking bitch this isnt your fight so stay the fuck outa it!!" Lyndsay-  ::::Starts running towards her::::    "You fucked up now bitch i will fuck you up" Stephanie- "Lyndsay stay outa it..its there fight." Lyndsay- " You best get that bitch out in this fucking road so Kaila can beat her ass..or just admit your a pussy and we will leave." Me- "Damn Kaela it must be fucking true about you licking Tasha's pussy bc it just shows how much of a pussy that you are..since your such a pussy why don't you go fucking licking Kayla martins pussy your fucking PUSSY!!!" Kaela- " Fuck you you dumb bitch. Me- "You best get your ass out here and fight me and prove to me that you can beat my ass or i will fucking walk up in that yard and beat your fuckng ass."

Well she didn't come so I went to her. I wont lie she got the 1st hit but that's all it took. I starting hitting her in her face one after another then threw her on the ground bc she kept kicking so i sat on her as she had my hair i got ahold of hers and hitting her head on the ground and then with my right fist i was still hitting her. we rolled into a tree or well she did. and then with my left i punched her in her mouth. then she had ahold of my rist again[[my right one the one i hit with]] and wouldnt let go. as i was on top of her i had her hair as im hitting it into the ground and i said. "Bitch are you fucking ready to give up?" She rolls her head bac and forth looking like she is about to pass out and says no softely. So i starting hitting her more. she hits me but i didn't feel any of them. Some guy that was with them was like. the cops are coming so Lyndsay yells.. "Kaila[[me]]the cops are coming" but i was worried i was beating Kaela's ass. Well i get off her and I left her go but as she walks away i stick her again and we go at it again. So i got off her and was like bitch talk more shit and the same thing that happen tonight will happen AGAIN.

So then we get in the car and i have a knot on my eye but scratches on my neck and a tooth mark on my left hand and thats it. Well we get to wal-mart and that's all we talk about forever. i am covered in dirt from head to toe. So then we go home and show her mom and she was like. "Go Kaila!!!" lOl. I call my mom and tell her and she was like you best have whooped her ass. So I start to think.. Me- "Lyndsay.. didn't Kayla Martin say she wanted to fight me too?" Lyndsay- "Yea" Jesse[Lyndsay's bf]- "Call em back and ask why the bitch pussied out"

SO icalled back and some girl answers.. girl- "Hello" Me-  "what happen to Kayla Martin wanting to fight me too? girl- " IDK call her and ask her." Me- " Okay.. by the way who am I talking to?" girl- "Kayla." Me- "Kayla who?" girl- "Kayla Greene." Me- "DAMN BITCH!! What you being so nice for?" Kaela- "Bc im not in the mood and im not being nice." Me- "Umm yea bc i just whooped your ass and you aint bitching like you was b4 i whooped you ass" so then she hangs up on me. lmao!!!!!!!

So I woke up this morning and where she had ahold of my rist so damn tight there is a bruise and my knot above my eye is almost gone and that's it. no black eye or nothing. well she can't hit hard.

Well that was my night. well I am out. I'm going to go call my Christopher.



P.s: I dare that bitch try to talk more shit her or Martin.
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