Title: Her Boys.
xkirasakurax Summary: The sun and the moon, perfect for each other.
Rating: K+/G
Length: 280 words - drabble.
Pairing(s): Naruto/Sasuke (Naruto)
Warning(s): OOC.
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. Masashi Kishimoto does.
Author's Note: This one is for my darling, Matrix. She's sick, so I wrote her a drabble. Note that I've never written Naruto, nor watched much of it. D:
He’s white as snow, pale and shining. His eyes are dark as coal, sharp and witty, filled with anger and resentment, and love and adoration, and a little sadness. His lips are full and red, his hair soft and dark. He’s sleek muscles and delicate bones, soft smiles and cocky grins. He’s beautiful, a semblance of the moon. He’s elegant, refined, and perfect. He’s better than everyone else, and yet not quite, with his sometimes bad decisions. He’s a little insane, and a little crazy, but he’s perfect and wonderful, so beautiful, worth the attention he gets.
He’s golden, the colour of ripe wheat, tall and broad. His eyes are blue, bluer than the sky, and filled with confidence and head-strong determination, and love and adoration, and a little sadness. His lips are red from being chewed on and chapped from the wind, his hair tufty and the colour of sun gold. He’s blinding grins and loud exclamations, joyful whoops and happy laughter. He’s plain, simple and gorgeous, filled with power and kindness. He’s a semblance of the sun, warm and gentle, harsh and cruel. He’s a little weird, a little odd, but he’s perfect and he’s wonderful, so handsome, worthy of the attention he gets.
She watches as swap kisses and whispers, murmurs and giggles. She feels excluded, no longer part of the team, but then again, someone needs to make sure they’re listening. So she gets up and stalks over to them, pink hair long and wavy, green eyes alight with sadistic fury.
They squeak as she growls and snaps, before blushing a little when she suddenly laughs.
They’re the sun and the moon, and they’re her boys.