Sep 09, 2009 21:09
Does it get much better than this? I mean, does it really?
It just seems that after high school everythings just gonna go downhill.
And I guess it really doesn't. So that is why I am going to make this the best year possible, which seems unlikely considering last year, but I am going to try.
I think I need to for myself. I am going to exercise on a regular basis and eat better so then I can feel better about myself.
I am not gonna shy away from opportunities.
In the past I was always afraid to do stuff, like, for example, talk in front of the class. Or just talk to people in general.
This year I'm not gonna let that get in the way. I can do it! There is no reason why I shouldn't be able to.
And I need to keep myself busy because I think that's the only way I'm gonna be positive. If I let my mind wonder I'm afraid of falling back into who I was last year and I can't let that happen.
This is a new me and I am going to make this the best year ever!
Oh and new goal:
write a song!