a. list seven habits/quirks/facts about yourself
b. tag seven people to do the same
c. do not tag the person who tagged you or say that you tag "whoever wants to do it"
1.I think I'll make a good "deathcore" band "singer"/screamer.(Like Oli Sykes) (p.s i got the deathcore word from wikipedia.)
2.I can clap with one hand & make my ears move.
3.I'm an adrenaline junkie. I secretly wanna do crazy stuff like on Jackass.
4.I'm afraid of injections.Ironic I know cause I have piercings but injections are painful and scary.
5.I collect stationery.
6.I've licked my dog.lol...seriously.
7.I've had braces.
I got tagged by
nightxparade I tag 1.
hilolomg , 2.
brainrelocation , 3.
teenykristini ,
xx_scenekid , 5.
ownthatfrank ,
heytheremelissa , 7.