Dec 01, 2005 08:54
Well, I ended up talking to Nate online last night for a good two hours while he was drunk last night (like 2AM). He's an okay guy... we had a heart-to-heart...and don't tell anyone, but he actually has a heart...I was shocked. Anyway, I decided to go ahead and stay up and get some work done and shower and make my hair pretty and stuff before class this morning. My haircut seems like it's leaving some to be desired.. I'm going to see if Dewey will trim it up a bit today. As I was driving to class this morning and listening to Straylight Run, I got that feeling I got in Michigan when I woke up to snow... I was driving by the lake at PCC and everything was just so pretty. I love days like that. Someone should call me and find something nice to do after I get out of class tonight at 8. :) That would be so special.
who was the last person you talked to on the phone? Ashley
who was the last person you talked to in person? my daddy
who was the last person you talked to online? Nate
who was the last person you hung out with? Ashley and Sunny
who was the last person you kissed? Chico
who was the last person you saw in person? my parents and Xavey
who was the last person you took a picture with? uhmmm wow, I don't know... I think the last picture I took was in Daytona, so probably Christine by the beach
who was the last person you danced with? I have no idea.
what was the last thing you ate? cheese sandwich I think
what was the last thing you drank? green tea
what was the last thing you did? went into the TLCC and came here
what was the last place you went? school...before that...CiCi's w/Ashley and Sunny after getting my hair did
what was the last movie you saw? I was watching a bit of the Greatful Dead movie last night, the last full movie I watched was "Heathers" at Ashley's while crocheting and listening to Georgia and Courtney talk to Kaylee's little guy friend in the phone haha
what was your last phone-call about? I called Ashley to tell her that little Craig from Degrassi was in this Disney movie..but she already knew and I think I caught her at somewhat of an inopportune time :(
what was your last Instant Message about? haha we talked about all sorts of ended w/my telling him it was a bad idea for him to try to go to sleep at 4AM while drunk and then try to get up for class...and that Colleen and I were going to hunt him down and punch him in the face if he didn't show up.
where did you go yesterday? Nowhere
where are your parents? on the way to work
where do you keep your diary? this is my diary mainly..then I have a rarely used notebook that this badass girl named Annie gave me for my 17th birthday and I write random things in it occasionally
where are you at now? PCC's TLCC
where were you last week? home mostly... it was Thanksgiving today last week...
where were you the day 9-11 occured? I was in Mr. McKinley's Physical Science class at WHHS, but we had a cute sub named Mr. Corbin..and I had absolutely no idea what the World Trade Centers were...
where do most of your relatives live? Georgia
when was the last time you showered? 5 AM
when was the last time you updated your xanga? wtf is Xanga? I go on myspace like 5684981 times a day though...
when was the last time you hung out with your cousin? uhmmm... hung out with?? I saw one of my cousins in August of 04 and the other one's always in jail and the other one is a crazy bitch who's too obsessed w/herself to spend time w/family
when was the last time you hung out with your brother? uhmm well I saw him when I was in 4th grade, but only for a little while..the last time I hung out with him was when he came down here and we went to Busch Gardens when I was in 3rd grade.
when was the last time you brushed your teeth? 30 minutes ago before I walked out the door.. I brush my teeth very often
when was the last time you were at the mall? probably 2 months ago
when was the last time you were absent? Thursday two weeks ago
why are you taking this survey? because class isn't until 9:30
why are you online? because class isn't until 9:30
why did they invent pencils? because people make mistakes...a lot
why are most things made in China? because Chinese people are overacheivers and like to make Americans look lazier than they already are
why are there such thingz as "magnetz"? well I don't personally put "z"s in place of "s"s, but if this is referring to the good old magnets...then probably because not only to people make a lot of mistakes, but they're forgetful and lose things easily, so if you put it in front of where you get your food, you'll remember it. Also, so that they could make compasses because people get lost easily.
why did they come up with school? To brainwash everyone into thinking the same thing while saying think for yourself
how old are you? 19
how many siblings do you have? 2
how many rooms are in your house? bedrooms: 4
how many TVs do you have? 5
how many computers do you have? one and one laptop and another in storage
how many friends do you have? plenty good ones.. I don't feel friend deprived..that's a good feeling
1 - 15 are where?
16. lovable or likable? lovable.
17. raspberry or strawberry? strawberry
18. girl or boy? i'm a girl.. but i like boys
19. genious or just simply smart? smart.. geniuses are usually annoying, but whoever wrote this survey doesn't have to worry about it w/that sp.
20. strange or normal? strange
21. mature or immature? mature, but fun
22. orange or yellow? yellow
23. being hot or being cold? cold
24. unique or average? unique
25. give or receive? give
26. halloween or easter? Halloween! Easter sucks
27. Boys or girls? uh...
28. pretty or gorgeous? uhm?
29. cute or hot? cute? what are they referring to? the word or the actual thing?
30. French or english? English
31. fun or funny? they're usually one in the same
%%%%%%%%%%%HAVE YOU EVER....%%%%%%%%%%
32. done something on purpose to hurt yourself? not consciously
33. made a really hurtful lie? i don't remember doing that
34. stolen anything? long time ago...from Bealls
36. pretended you were someone you're not when talking to a stranger in a chat room? no
37. dreamt something you wish you would have never dreamt of? yes. daily.
38. ran away from home? not really
39. tried to go on a diet? ugh. yes.
40. been with the wrong group of friends before? hell yes
41. done something stupid to get noticed by your crush? i always act stupid around crushes
42. been drunk? heck yes
43. wanted to break up with someone but didn't have the guts to? yes.
44. been in love with two people (or more) at the time? no
45. cheated on your boyfriend/girlfriend? No.
46. been really in love with someone but never had the guts to tell them? yes.
47. recieved an insult that made you cry? yep
/&/&/&/&/&/&/&DO YOU REGRET..../&/&/&/&/&/&
48. being born? no, but i question it often
49. breaking up with someone? nope.
50. going out with someone? no.
51. not going out with someone? yes
52. not breaking up with someone sooner? yes
53. doing something to someone? yes
54. anything during the past year?? yes
$$$$$$$$$$$$$$WHAT WAS....$$$$$$$$$$$
55. your most embarrasing moment? i am not sure
56. the worst thing you ever did to anyone? i'll have to ponder that
57. the best thing you ever did to someone? uhmm... gave a cute little stranger girl a ride home from the mall to haines city and we ended up being friends==Annie.. i should call her
58. The funniest thing you ever did? i'm not that funny
59. the stupidest thing you ever did? no telling.. jumping off a moving car maybe
60. the most perverted thing you ever did? too many
61. the most generous thing you ever did? see above
62. the thing you regret doing the most? going to Jewett
63. The meanest thing you ever said to someone? i say mean things to my mom that i regret a lot
64. the nicest thing you ever said to someone? i'm not sure, i tell people how i feel about them, so i don't see it as nice, i see it as honest
68. the most dangerous thing you've ever done?see above
69. the worst mark you ever got? 0.
70. The best mark you ever got? 125/100 i was the queen of extra credit in middle school.. nerd..whatever.. i'll take it... i make up for it now