Jan 10, 2006 07:30
So anyway yeah i went to homer's viewing...it sucked so bad. It's not that i minded seeing old friends...i just hated to see homer like that. I miss the old man. Dad's doing fine actually better than before other than his incision is still healing a little at a time. Corinna and I had a fight last night. I still haven't been to bed and we spoke a little while ago on the phone and she cried herself to sleep. I hate myself sometimes. We were talking on the net and we got back onto the subject of jessica. She can't stand jess and she's afraid that I'll go running back to her. I don't want jessica. I haven't for a long time. If jess has a problem with corinna she needs to take it up with me or drop it for good. I'm IN LOVE WITH CORINNA. I'm totally crazy about her. It just frustrates me that she still doesn't trust me. I konw I hurt her back when we started dating. And she told me she forgave me and it would take time to trust me. She has even told me she does trust me. Yet she gets hyper jealous about jess. I talk to her maybe once a month. I have no desperate desire to see her by any stretch. She's my friend, She knows Im in love, and if she doesn't like it she can take a fucking hike. I want to be with corinna. But, corinna doesn't want me to even be friends with her. She doesn't want me to have any contact with her whatsoever. Honestly i don't think it's fair. Im not holding onto jess for any reason other than we have always been able to talk to each other when we needed a friend. Hell we don't even do that anymore. But, I have never asked her to stop talking to her friends, even the ones who keep trying to have phone sex with her. Jess made only one comment one time about if i asked she would pack up and move to ohio in a heart beat. And I told her NO. Corinna wouldn't have even known about that if I hadn't told her. I thought maybe..just maybe she would see that I'm truely in love with her. Even to a point where the one person she's afraid I'll leave her for told me she would do anything to be with me basically and I said No. Corinna makes me feel better about myself...she doesn't ask much of anything of me other than my time and my love. I keep telling her I'm hers heart, body and soul. And I mean it. I don't think about other women. I don't want anyone else. Even when I was with jess I constantly looked at other women...with Corinna I don't. When i do all i think about is her. I can't get her off my mind...When she's upset with me I can't sleep...I can't eat...and all I want to hear is her say it's ok baby i still love you...God I miss her. Till next time...Excellsior