Yeah, oh yeah...what's wrong with me?

Nov 05, 2005 16:00

This will be my last entry in this journal....I am saying sianara (spelling?) to it and switching to this is not friends only and I guess I'll just do an overview of how things have been the past year that I have had this thing...
  • No more Nathaniel.
  • I am not a big Christian at this point in my life.
  • I am a freshman now
  • Dating a new dude...whether it is b/f or g/f dating I don't think it is.
  • I am preppy now for the most part. Yippee
  • I like other types of music than rock
  • My friends are still the same
  • I have made some new ones

And with that, I will make a shout out to all my buds. . .
  • Laura. . . .I am on the phone with you right now, LOL. We've had some times this year, some bad and good. But we made it through. <3 you.
  • Kendall. . . .You have this way of always making me feel better about things and you give me another perspective on some big life choices that just help me out a lot. Best friends since th grade. Word.
  • Jennifer. . . .Swaff kidd!!! lmao it is only because I love you. We have fun together. *Ping pong and swiss cake rolls*
  • Robert. . . .Yeah, you're one of my best friends because you listen and actually care. You've been there for me, thanks.
  • Kenny. . . .We don't talk as much as we used to, but I know you are always there when I need you or when I need some advice.
  • Caitlan. . . .You simply crack me up!
  • Holly. . . .The most creative person I have ever met and one of the only 8th graders that I can stand.
  • Cody. . . .I haven't known you for long, but you are great to hang around with and lots of fun.
  • I would put more on here, but eh I am not sure if you consider yourselves my friends. But to whoever does, just know I love ya'll.

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